Lightning Strikes: Aguilera and Carroll Break Old Fort Days Rodeo Arena Record
Lightning Aguilera and Shay Carroll broke the arena record at the 2021 Old Fort Days Rodeo with a 3.6-second run, moving them inside the top 20 in the PRCA World Standings.

Lightning Aguilera and Shay Carroll made a run in the fourth performance to break the arena record at the 2021 Old Fort Days Rodeo in Fort Smith, Arkansas on June 3.

Aguilera, 26, and Carroll, 30, blasted a run in 3.6 seconds to win the rodeo, worth $3,393 each.

Lightning Aguilera getting ready to dally and turn the steer for Shay Carroll to clean up two feet at the 2021 Old Fort Days Rodeo.

“It just kind of happened, I guess,” said Aguilera. “I got a good start and I knew my steer was pretty good.”

Aguilera, who is from Athens, Texas, and known for his reaching abilities, took a quick shot from behind the barrier.

“I knew the steer and we knew he was slower,” Aguilera said. “I try to always see a little more than what it would take [at the start.] I was a little late and the steer was slow, so I was probably closer to the barrier than I thought I was going to be. The steer was right there. I just had to catch him and let Shay catch.”

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Three-time NFR qualifier Shay Carroll was on the heel side to clean up on the slow, hopping steer.

Lightning Aguilera and Shay Carroll got their steer stretched to break the arena record at the Old Fort Days Rodeo in 3.6 seconds.

“Shay threw pretty fast, and he finishes really good,” Aguilera said.

Carrol knew that the steers tend to be slower at the Old Fort Days Rodeo, which made for his decision to ride a 5-year-old mare, registered as JKC Playen Lectric.

“I already knew I was going to ride that horse because one thing she’s does really good is she doesn’t overrun my turn,” Carroll said. “Even if a cow walks out, she’ll walk out. She keeps her space pretty nice.”

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Aguilera headed on a 15-year-old sorrel gelding named Kick Stand, who he purchased from fellow reaching phenom Dustin Egusquiza.

“Whenever Dustin owned him, he would let me ride him a few places, so I knew that I liked him,” Aguilera said. “Dustin and I have a similar style, so I knew he’d work. I was just fortunate enough to get to buy him. He is so flat coming across there, so it’s pretty easy to reach on him. If I’m a little late, I can still get a throw right there.”

Comfortable Reaching? Egusquiza’s Advice on When It Works and When It Won’t 

Aguilera is now 13th in the PRCA world standings with $18,008.10. Carroll is 20th with $11,881.37 in season earnings.

Full Results

1. Lightning Aguilera and Shay Dixon Carroll, 3.6-second run, worth $3,393 each 

2. Clay Smith and Jade Corkill, 3.7-second run, worth $3,036 each

3/4/5. Joshua Torres and Jonathan Torres, 4.0-second run, worth $2,322 each 

3/4/5. Nick Sartain and Reagan Ward, 4.0-second run, worth $2,322 each 

3/4/5.Coleman Proctor and Logan Medlin, 4.0-second run, worth $2,322 each 

6. Manny Egusquiza Jr. and Kory Koontz, 4.1-second run, worth $1,607 each 

7. Dustin Egusquiza and Travis Graves, 4.4-second run, 4.6-second run, worth $1,250 each 

8/9. Luke Brown and Hunter Koch-second run, worth $714 each  

8/9. Wyatt Imus and Caleb Anderson, 4.6-second run, $714 each 

10. Tate Kirchenschlager and Cole Davison, 4.7-second run, worth $179 each

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