One of the biggest draws of the annual Crawfish Open produced by Tyler Magnus is the heaping plates of crawfish that team ropers can inhale between runs while live music floats over from the bank of the nearby Llano River.
But an arena-drenching downpour on the scheduled weekend forced Magnus to delay the roping until April 24-26, a week after the crawfish party. Nevertheless, the eating was good and the cash and prizes were even better.
Heeler Dustin Davis dominated the action by winning first and third with headers Luke Brown and Drew Horner in the Open average to rake in $3,555 and a Reinsman saddle.
Davis and Brown (who earned $2,960 on the day), won the roping by two full seconds, followed by Tee Woolman and Jett Hillman, while fourth went to Luke Brown and Kory Koontz. The fast-time winners were Tyler Waters and Koontz with a 4.64.
But the two jackpot kings of the weekend were undoubtedly Ty Murphy and Reno Gonzales, who took home the Bloomer horse trailer and a John Deere Gator from Mustang Equipment, respectively.
Murphy won the No. 16 heading for Dryce Stoner, then placed third in the No. 11 heeling for Charlie Williams and sixth in the No. 12 heeling for Ryder Lee to earn $3,395 on the weekend. Gonzales won the No. 13 and the No. 11 heeling for Tyler Wojcechowski and Corey Bader, respectively, to earn $4,715 and take home Saturday’s high-point saddle.
In addition to four high-point Reinsman saddles, ropers in each jackpot earned Roping Show belt buckles and jackets, Tony Lama boots and Magnus Equine gift certificates.