One Bullet: CR Bradley and Clay Logan Win Waco Royal Crown Intermediate Roping on Sole Entry
CR Bradley won the 2022 Waco Royal Crown Intermediate heading aboard Twisters Enola Fame, while Clay Logan won second, then took the heeling win on CR California Tuff.
Round 1 Draw 11 CR Breadley 72 Twisters enola fame_small
CR Bradley won the 2022 Waco Royal Crown Intermediate heading on Twisters Enola Fame. Photo by Lexi Smith Media

The champions at the Royal Crown Intermediate ropings on May 10, 2022, in Waco, Texas, had one thing in common: Horses so good, the cowboys were confident betting everything on just one entry.

In the heading, Twisters Enola Fame—the mare ridden and owned by 24-time AQHA Open World and Reserve World Champion CR Bradley—won the first round with a 137.9-point score and picked up $1,250. In the second round, Bradley placed third with 132.24 points, pocketing $500, and his 135.38-point score earned him the third round, plus another $1,250. Throw in a 135.38-point short round win, and Twisters Enola Fame won another $5,000 for owner Bradley, $1,320 to Bradley as the breeder, and $1,320 for the owners of her sire, bringing her total earnings to $10,640 for the class.

World Shows, Training Tips and Breakaway Horses with CR Bradley

“She’s still kind of green, but she felt good today. She scored good on all of them, really ran, felt really good,” Bradley said.

Twisters Enola Fame is a 2015 mare by Lions Share of Fame and out of Twisters Enola Gay, on whom Bradley won four AQHA World Championships and took to the 2004 NFR in the calf roping. In 2012, Tuf Cooper rode the same 1992 mare (by Smooth Talkin Man) to win the PRCA Tie-Down World Championship.

“We bred to Lions Share of Fame because we wanted a big, running horse—one that could make a head horse and barrel horse,” Bradley said. “We really like him. We knew he had a great disposition; his babies can really run and are quiet. We knew they were easy to get along with.”

In the heading, fellow multi-year AQHA World and Reserve World Champion Clay Logan took second on CR California Tuff with 529.69 points on four head, worth a combined total of $8,230.

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Clay Logan Intermediate heeler CR California Tuff Draw 9 id 135_small
Clay Logan on CR California Tuff winning the 2022 Waco Royal Crown Intermediate heading.
Photo by Lexi Smith Media

CR California Tuff then turned around and, in the heeling, scored 521.6 points on four head, and an aggregate win worth $3,250 for her new owner Kaleb Terlip; $1,050 for sire Woody Be Tuff’s owners, Terlip and Solo Select Horses; and $1,050 for the breeder, Center Ranch. She totaled $8,850 on the heel side thanks to the 137.79-point and 131.28-point runs that earned her the first- and third-round wins, worth $1,000 each, and the 130.37-point run that earned her $500 for a second round, second-place finish.

CR California Tuff, who also made the short-go in the Royal Crown 6 & Under heading and heeling, was purchased by Logan as a yearling through a sale. Briefly, the mare competed and earned money at the NCHA futurities before Logan put her in the roping pen. Her sire is the one and only Woody Be Tuff, and her standout dam, Cee Dee Royal Tee, won upwards of $170,000 in lifetime earnings, according to Logan.

A New Chapter For $7.6 Million Dollar Sire Woody Be Tuff

Colby Lovell was on the horns for Logan , who said Lovell scored great and gave him solid shots all day long. CR California Tuff looked equally solid all day, which comes easy to the mare these days.

“She’s got to where she doesn’t take a lot of riding,” Logan explained. “Luckily, she just got over an abscess. Yesterday was the first day I got to get on her. I didn’t have a lot of time to get her ready, so I guess she’s starting to mature.”

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The Intermediate roping had a total of $35,000 in added money and was open to Royal Crown eligible horses and riders who rank below a 7E heeler or 6E header in the Global Handicap System.

For Logan—with the only horse he brought on the trailer to show—his first Royal Crown Event made him a fast fan of the incentive.

“I just want to thank Kaleb [Terlip] and thank everybody for putting this on. It’s been a great event and we sure appreciate everything,” Logan said.

Heading Results: 2022 Royal Crown Team Roping Intermediate — Waco, Texas


  1. CR Bradley on Twisters Enola Fame, 534.52 points on four head, worth $7,640
    1. Owner: $5,000
    2. Stallion: $1,320
    3. Breeder: $1,320
  2. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 529.69 points on four head, worth $5,730
    1. Owner $3,750
    2. Stallion $990
    3. Breeder: $990
  3. Cade Rice on Jungle Cat, 528.5 points on four head, worth $3,820
    1. Owner: $2,500
    2. Stallion: $660
    3. Breeder: $660
  4. Tyler Schaffner on Starlight Oak 017, 522.3 points on four head, worth $1,910
    1. Owner: $1,250
    2. Stallion: $330
    3. Breeder: $330

Round 1

  1. CR Bradley on Twisters Enola Fame, 137.79 points, worth $1,250
  2. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 134.58 points, worth $750
  3. Seth Schafer on Famous Storm Chaser, 132.33 points, worth $500

Round 2

  1. Cade Rice on Jungle Cat, 133.43 points, worth $1,250
  2. Bobby Mote on Mucho Natural, 133.34 points, worth $750
  3. CR Bradley on Twisters Enola Fame, 132.24 points, worth $500

Round 3

  1. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 131.28 points, worth $1,250
  2. Robbie Boyce on He Be A Pistol, 130.75 points, worth $750
  3. Jared Odens on Two Sparks Flion, 130.32 points, worth $500

Short Go

  1. CR Bradley on Twisters Enola Fame, 135.38
  2. Tyler Schaffner on Starlight Oak 017, 135.06 points
  3. Cade Rice on Jungle Cat, 134.25 points

Heeling Results: 2022 Royal Crown Intermediate Team Roping — Waco, Texas


  1. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 521.6 points on four head, worth $5,350
    1. Owner: $3,250
    2. Stallion: $1,050
    3. Breeder: $1,050
  2. Brad Lund on DT Hickory Blu Steel, 504.3 points on four head, worth $3,210
    1. Owner: $1,950
    2. Stallion: $630
    3. Breeder: $630
  3. Seth Schafer on Plz Pay Me X Tra, 498.8 points on four head, worth $2,140
    1. Owner: $1,300
    2. Stallion: $420
    3. Breeder: $420

Round 1

  1. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 132.06 points, worth $1,000
  2. Gus Mosley on Rugs Gunner Man, 131.1 points, worth $500

Round 2

  1. Dylan Gordon on War Pony Cash, 130.72 points, worth $1,000
  2. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 130.37 points, worth $500

Round 3

  1. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 133.59 points, worth $1,000
  2. Logan Vander Hamm on Cajunella Jess, 131.63 points, worth $500

Short Go

  1. Seth Schager on Plz Pay Me X Tra, 132.42 points
  2. Brand Lund on DT Hickory Blu Steel, 128.81 points
  3. Clay Logan on CR California Tuff, 125.56 points
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