young gun

Logan Moore Jumps to No. 2 in Resistol Rookie Standings After $10K Cowboy Christmas
Logan Moore made some money moves over his first Cowboy Christmas, cashing in $10,191 to jump to No. 2 in the 2024 Resistol Rookie Heeler of the Year race.
Logan Moore heeling a steer for Tyler Tryan in Red Lodge, Montana.
Tyler Tryan and Logan Moore picked up $2,256 a man in Red Lodge, Montana. | Avid Visual Imagery photo

Resistol Rookie of the Year contender Logan Moore had a Cowboy Christmas to remember, jumping to No. 2 in the 2024 Resistol Rookie of the Year heeling standings after banking $10,191.

Moore, who heels behind fellow Resistol Rookie of the Year contender Tyler Tryan, has $25,961.23 won on his rookie year after the Fourth run.

“Winning that over the Fourth meant a lot to me,” Moore, 21, said. “I am very blessed to be out here, and I couldn’t do it without the good Lord, as well as my family and sponsors backing me. It also helped jump me up in the standings, which was pretty cool.”

Holding his own

The Pleasanton, Texas, native may only be a rookie, but he and Tryan were entered up as much as the top guys.

“Our Fourth was pretty busy, just like everyone else during Cowboy Christmas,” Moore said. “I was fortunate to win some money and learn a lot of things along the way.”

Tryan and Moore kicked off their Cowboy Christmas at the Greeley Stampede (Colorado) Friday, June 28. From Greeley, they traveled to the Roughrider Days Rodeo in Dickinson, North Dakota, where they pocketed their first check of the Fourth run for $2,961 a man after winning second.

From Dickinson, they hauled to the Cody Stampede (Wyoming) then on to the Livingston Roundup Rodeo (Montana) where they won the rodeo with a 3.8-second run for $4,974 each. 

They stopped at the Killdeer Mountain Roundup PRCA Rodeo (North Dakota) and Mandan Rodeo Days (North Dakota) before heading on to Red Lodge, Montana, for the Home of Champions Rodeo, where they won sixth for $2,256 a man. 

They finished their Fourth run in the Northwest, hitting the St. Paul Rodeo (Oregon), Eugene Pro Rodeo (Oregon) and Basin City Freedom Rodeo (Washington). They rounded out their Fourth of July run with $10,191 a man.

A $10,000 Cowboy Christmas is a run to remember, whether a rookie or a veteran. Being able to hold his own amongst the best team ropers in the game has been deeply rewarding for Moore.

“It means a lot being out here and rodeoing with the guys I have looked up to my whole life,” Moore said.

Moving forward

Moore has two geldings helping him in his rookie season who have both seen their fair share of the road.

“I am very fortunate to have a good team of horses underneath me,” Moore said. “My main horse is Squid; he is a 12-year-old gelding I have had since he was 6, so we have a good bond. I gave him a break at some of the rodeos due to the miles we traveled and got on my other horse, Booker, who is also 12.”

The 2023 College National Finals Rodeo champion, Moore decided to wait until after college to set out on his rookie year. After graduating from Southwest Texas Junior College this spring, Moore knew it was time.

“I just finished college and didn’t have much holding me back,” Moore explained.

Tryan, who sits No. 1 in the Resistol Rookie of the Year heading standings with $32,370.87, and Moore are soon headed to Cheyenne Frontier Days for the Sunday, July 14, team roping slack and will then hit up the Utah rodeos later that week. For Moore, winning the Resistol Rookie Heeler of the Year title is on his radar, but he isn’t putting too much pressure on himself.

“Winning the rookie title would mean a lot since it is a goal that I have set for myself,” Moore said. “But, at the end of it, my story is written, so what’s meant to happen will happen.”

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