Minor Brothers Honor Grandpa Jerry Anderson’s Memory
Many of us are missing Ellensburg’s Jerry Anderson—a kind-hearted cowboy of countless friends, and “Grandpa Jerry” to roping’s Minor brothers. Riley and Brady who were the twinkles in Jerry’s eyes, and Riley winning the 12-slide buckle at his grandpa’s first-ever memorial roping was divinely-scripted perfection.   
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Brady, Maverick, Riley and Brent Minor with Jerry Anderson. Photo Courtesy of Minor Family

Here comes Memorial Day, and it has us all thinking about special rodeo-family friends who’ve headed to Heaven in the last year. So many of us are missing Ellensburg’s Jerry Anderson—a kind-hearted cowboy of countless friends, and “Grandpa Jerry” to roping’s Minor brothers. Riley and Brady were the twinkles in Jerry’s eyes, and Riley winning the 12-slide buckle at his grandpa’s first-ever memorial roping was divinely-scripted perfection.   

Riley Minor’s new sentimental favorite buckle.

“This is by far the best buckle I’ve ever won,” Riley said of his sentimental 12-slide prize won with Calgary Smith at the May 14 Jerry Anderson Memorial Roping in Ellensburg. “He was the greatest grandpa ever, and it was so cool to win his roping and keep this buckle in the family. He’d give you the shirt off his back, and helped Brady and I with horses and everything else. 

FIND OUT MORE: Team Roping Legends with Jerry Anderson and The Minor Brothers

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Jerry Anderson roping at the Ellensburg Rodeo back in the day, and with Brady, Maverick and Riley Minor in the best of times. 

“Grandpa Jerry took us to Arizona in the wintertime when we were kids and our parents (Brent and Mary Minor) had to stay home in Ellensburg to work. I started going to Arizona in the wintertime when I was just a little guy, and lived a lot of the time with my grandparents (Jerry and his late wife, Janis, who was Mary’s mom). We were all pretty close.” 

Jerry, who passed away on November 11, 2021 of pancreatic cancer at 87, meant so much to so many. The 1953 Ellensburg High grad got his college education at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, and roped calves and bulldogged as a young man. Jerry also served his country in the National Guard.  

KEEP READING: The Minor Brothers Win Open Gold Buckle Beer WSTR Mega-Qualifier in Wickenburg

A Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association gold card member, Jerry was quite proud to be a pivotal player in getting team roping added to the Ellensburg Rodeo, and with equal money, no less. Jerry mentored many learning the team roping and calf roping ropes over the years, and was a sincerely kind and generous man.  

Grandpa Jerry Anderson heading for 9-year-old Brady Minor at the 1994 USTRC Finals.  
Brenda Allen Photos 

“Jerry and Janis started taking Brady and Riley to Arizona in the wintertime when Brady was 5 and Riley was 2,” Mary Minor remembers of her sons’ childhood; and they’re still snowbirds. “They always made sure to have the boys’ ponies in the trailer. Jerry never tired of watching them rope, and was overjoyed when Riley and Brady won our hometown Ellensburg Rodeo in 2018.”  

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Jerry with his beloved grandbabies Maverick, McCoy, Mesa and Monroe Minor.

The Jerry Anderson Memorial Roping featured the 12 slide, in which Brady and Jack Fischer, and Riley and Smith were the first and second high teams.  

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Grandpa Jerry’s last ride, with his boys Brady and Riley. 

“We basically started the day with the slide to get the steers ready for the other roping, which was a #10,” said Riley, who provided half the steers; the other half belonged to friend Cody Stoltman, who owns the Flying S Arena where the roping was held. “We gave saddles to the high-point over-50 roper and the high-point 5-and-under roper, because Grandpa always liked to help the lower-numbered ropers. It was their day in his honor, because that’s how he would have wanted it.” 

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The 12-slide winner’s circle at the Jerry Anderson Memorial Roping included, left to right, Will Schmidt, Will Ratliff, Calgary Smith, Mary, Brent and Riley Minor, Jack Fischer and Brady Minor. 

It was fun for all to see family friends win the saddles. Jim Falon won the over-50 saddle, and Clayton Frohman won the 5-and-under Cactus Saddlery saddle.  

HERE’S MORE: All In the Family: Minors Win the American

“It was a great day of roping, and people we haven’t seen in years who don’t even rope showed up in Grandpa’s honor,” Riley said. “Nobody loved roping and rodeo more than Jerry Anderson. He was our greatest supporter, and he loved watching us rope. I think the Cowboy Channel kept him alive the last six months.” 

“What a blessing Jerry was to our entire family,” Mary Minor said. “There just are not enough adjectives to describe him as being a first-class man through and through. More people need to be like Jerry Anderson. I’ve always told Brady and Riley to always strive to be just like him.” 

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Mary Minor, left, and Brady Minor, right, presented Jim Falon the 50-and-over Cactus Saddlery saddle at the Jerry Anderson Memorial Roping.  
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Mary and Brady awarded Clayton Frohman the 5-and-under saddle at the Jerry Anderson Memorial Roping.  
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Best Ever Pad winner Gary Nybo with Mary and Riley. 
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Mary and Riley Minor also presented a Best Ever Pad to Tony Martinez. 
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Happy Cactus Rope Bag winners at the 2022 Jerry Anderson Memorial Roping.  
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