USTRC On The Move
Karl Stressman's newsletter for the USTRC in the April 2019 Issue of TRJ.

In this issue we have placed a schedule for the 30th Annual National Finals of Team Roping (NFTR). This schedule is listed now for a couple of reasons. One, to answer those folks who are still pushing the rumor that the roping has been moved. On the basis of common sense, I guess I would pose the question, what contractor in this country would pass given the opportunity to produce the largest and second richest roping in the world? That’s my answer and I hope you respond the same way to those that keep trying to push the sky is falling rumor. Secondly, it allows you to start making your plans. We will post the entry forms, hotel list, etc., at USTRC. com by June 1, and obviously will accept entries at any time.

OK now the next most asked question, what is going on with United States Team Roping Championships? Very quietly we are converting USTRC to a qualification based program with the use of your USTRC membership card or Key Card in your pocket. We have contractors wanting to put on Signature Series qualifiers just because they are good ropings and they can throw in a couple of Americans and maybe a World Series or two. But ever so softly we have now included qualification for USTRC members and Key card members to nearly 200 other events nationwide. Yes, the territory for USTRC just opened up for everyone who swings a rope. The members and sponsors all understand, the program just administratively doubled in size overnight. 

The American Cowboy #10.5 and the newly added #12.5 are going to be managed underneath the USTRC program this year. That doesn’t mean that you won’t see American Cowboy events at WSTR and even some independent events this year, it simply means that WSTR is running at full steam and has its hands full. So, in addition to running the regular USTRC program for the NFTR, this secondary program will come under its wings and there will certainly be some caveats to members. This program has created a lot of excitement and increased participation. Thus, instead of private matches, we will hold events in various parts to the United States with added money and lots of fun opportunities for ropers.

If you are following what I am saying, we have retained the NFTR, doubled the size of the organization and now added another program (American Cowboy) to USTRC with added money at various regional locations.

In short, what’s happening with USTRC? We have the same game you have enjoyed in the past, but now we are beginning to give you new layers with emphasis on creating new and fun programs you haven’t seen. The idea here is a really old one—we expect to give you so many choices, you are bound to like one of them.

Have a great spring, hope to see you at a USTRC roping!

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