Number and End: My U.S./World Series number is 5 Elite and my ACTRA number is a 3. I’m a header.
Association of Preference: World Series
Rope of Choice: I use the GT4.
Biggest Win: Two years ago, I placed third in the #13 at the World Series Finale in Las Vegas and won $47,500.
Your Favorite Roping: That would be Las Vegas. You don’t even have to leave the South Point. Your horse is there, you can eat there, watch the NFR. It’s a good time. I also like the ACTRA state finals in Winnemucca, Nev. It’s always treated me very well.
Best Horse You Ever Rode: I’ve had a lot of really good horses. I pride myself in making them, and the one I ride now I’ve probably won $200,000 on him. I’ve had him for seven years and he is the bomb, I call him Rosie. He’s still going strong. He’s been everywhere, U.S. Finals several times, Las Vegas several times, he can go anywhere and do anything. Even at the local jackpot, he’s the happiest horse in the whole world because we’re doing what we love to do.
Competition Philosophy: I pretty much push everything else out of my mind and focus on the job at hand. I try not to think about anything else until I get the steer caught, and then I think about my heeler and the handle.
Why You Rope: I grew up on a cattle ranch and all I’ve ever done my whole life is cowboy. I do a lot of daywork and I’ve competed at quite a few ranch rodeos. I grew up on the coast and there’s not a whole lot of roping going on over there so I moved to the valley because roping is my heart’s desire. It’s what I want to do. I train horses and ride colts and it’s so rewarding to take a horse that I trained and take it to the roping pen and win money on it.
Tell me about your real job: I cowboy every day. I run my family’s cattle in the summer by myself. I daywork some, as well.
Tell me about your family: My mother and my brother live on the ranch and they keep going. I didn’t grow up in a roping family, I’m the only one in my family on both sides who team ropes. It was something that I had a desire to learn to do and got into by myself and just really enjoyed the sport. It’s not just a sport for me now, it’s part of my income.