Number and End: I’m 4-plus in the Triad number system. I’m primarily a header, but I do some heeling.

Association of Preference: I like the World Series, Wrangler Ropings and USTRC. To me, those three are pretty equal. I like to rope for the money in the World Series and you only have to rope against half the teams.
Rope of Choice: I use a Classic Powerline Lite, extra soft.
Biggest Win: I won the #5 at the Wrangler Championships in Billings last year—I was heeling! Prizes and money were about $15,000.
Your Favorite Roping: I like the Broadus, Mont., Wrangler Roping. It’s very family-oriented, just a great roping.
Tell me about your family: I have two daughters, Jamie and Jonee, and they’re both married to team ropers. At Broadus, they have a father-son, which is also a father-daughter. That is a lot of fun.
Best Horse You’ve Ever Ridden: Probably the gelding that I’m riding now. His name is Willow and he’s a Two-Eyed Jack-bred horse. He has tremendous speed from the box to the steer. He’s patterned, does the same thing every time and scores like a rock. He’s flashy, a dark bay with two white hind feet and a bald face. Everybody knows him. I like him a lot.
Why You Rope: I like the competition. I really like owning horses and the horsemanship. The equine side of it is important to me.
Competition Philosophy: I try not to let the little things get in the way of making a good run. We practice and when we go to the arena to rope, it’s just another run. If you practice like that, for me it’s easier not to get caught up in swing your rope here, or swing your rope there. I try to rope that way so it’s just a reaction as opposed to thinking through a run.
How often do you get to practice? We’ve had a good summer and been able to practice two or three times a week.
Tell me about your Real Job: I’ve been a ranch real estate broker for the past 40 years. You’d be surprised how many people who are associated with ranches and real estate rope.
Any famous ranches you’ve handled? I sold the Warren Livestock Ranch at Cheyenne about 15 years ago.