World Series Heartland Finale Becomes Red Cross Benefit Roping

In the wake of the Moore, Okla., tragedy a decision needed to be made concerning a possible cancelation of the Guthrie qualifier this weekend, which includes the Heartland #13 Finale. After considerable internal discussion our unanimous decision was that the very best thing that World Series of Team Roping can do in the wake of this disaster is to turn the Heartland event into a Red Cross Benefit, with proceeds staying locally where they are needed. As a sport and as the roping family we have the ability and means to make a difference for the Oklahoma victims. The OKC area has been instrumental in the development of team roping in the United States, and this is the perfect opportunity for our group to give something back to this community.
The National Weather Service is predicting clear weather at the end of the week and over the weekend. This could be the most important roping of the year, and we hope you will make every effort to join us.

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