The Short Score: Jackpot Mode vs Day-Money Mode
In this bonus tips episode of The Short Score, Nick Sartain explains the difference between his jackpot and rodeo swings.
Nick Sartain swinging his rope in the header's box.
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Your first swing at a rodeo will differ from your first swing at a jackpot. In this bonus tips episode of The Short Score, Nick Sartain explains the difference between his jackpot and rodeo swings.

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About Nick Sartain

Sartain is a six-time NFR header and the 2009 world champion and NFR average title winner who has a ProRodeo record that speaks for itself. But, in 2018 and 2019, Sartain heeled for more than $250,000 in earnings at the Ariat World Series of Team Roping Finale, the bulk of which came from winning the Ariat #12 in 2018 with Bob Freeman to earn $272,000 for the team. In the Yeti #13 that year, he and Mike Row placed third for a team total of $127,000 and, when he returned in 2019, he placed second with Glen Crane in the AGCO #14.5, worth $136,000.

Become a Better Roper: is the online training resource for team ropers. In addition to thousands of videos and exclusive roping films in your back pocket, members get private access to World Champion coaches like Jake Barnes, Matt Sherwood, 26-time World Champion Trevor Brazile, and more every day. Take advantage of step-by-step tutorials, run critiques, private members-only Facebook group, live video demos and other benefits. 

Join now for only $29.95/month. 

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