Young-Gun Kreece Thompson Holds His Own In Resistol Rookie Heading Standings
Kreece Thompson currently ranks No.2 in the Resistol Rookie heading standings with a total of $22,058.52 in PRCA earnings to date.

Currently ranked No.2 with $22,058.52 in PRCA earnings, Kreece Thompson, 19, of Munday, Texas, holds his own at the top of the Resistol Rookie headings standings.

Originally from Munday, Texas, Thompson grew up running cattle with his father and grandfather. He was quickly drawn to the sport by his older brothers, who roped, and by his father and grandfather who got involved later in their life. 

“It was kind of fun for me at a young age cause it was something I got to do with my brothers and my family,” Thompson said. So it was kind of easy to be drawn to it. It’s always been fun for me and ever since I was old enough to ride, I’ve been roping.”

Before becoming a member of the PRCA, Thompson competed at all levels of rodeo, including junior rodeo, junior high and high school rodeo, and amateur rodeo.

“It’s something I’ve always wanted to do,” Thompson said. “I think a whole bunch of people that rope have the same feeling, but last year we amateur rodeoed in Texas and it felt like me and my partner got a pretty good run together. I like my two horses I have now. My brothers were gonna come out here in rodeo. I think we rope good enough to be out here and so I thought no better time than now to try it on.”

Season Highlights:

Thompson’s rookie year highlights include placing second at the Waller County Fair & Rodeo, finishing fourth in the first round of Bracket No.4 at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, finishing second at the Oakdale Saddle Club Rodeo, finishing fourth at the Coleman PRCA Rodeo, placing third at the Buffalo Bill Rodeo, and placing fourth at the Mandan Rodeo Days.

“We’ve made some good runs here and there,” Thompson said. “I think me and my partner both feel like we could have done better, but I think that’s probably every team that’s out here, honestly, but it’s been pretty exciting. It’s fun to get to rope at rodeos that you’ve always wanted to rope at since you were little and it’s pretty cool to get to actually come out here and do it.” 


Thompson’s No. 1 mount is Freak, a 14-year-old palomino gelding purchased from family friend, Josh Morris, six years ago.

“It didn’t take him very long to be my good one,” Thompson said.

His second-string horse is Dudley, a 14-year-old sorrel gelding he bought from family friend, Jeff Hilton, seven years ago.

“He’s been about as trustworthy of a horse you could ask for,” Thompson said. “He won’t mess up a good one and I’ve probably run a million steers on him.”

“​​They have strengths and weaknesses at different setups so I try to kinda ask around,” Thompson said. “My brothers kind of helped me with what the setups were like, cause they’ve been out here before once or twice and so I can kind of pick and choose when I think I should be on one or the other.” 

Thompson Family Ties:

Being the youngest brother out on the ProRodeo trail, Thompson plays it to his advantage.

“It helps having two brothers cause it’s people you can talk to and you know you’re gonna get the truth from them,” Thompson said. “It’s the same way. I mean, when they asked me about something, I’m pretty straightforward with them.”

Thompson’s family is important to him and he would not have been able to accomplish what he has without their support.

“My dad is pretty much the whole reason why we’ve won what we’ve won throughout our whole life,” Thompson said. “Without him, I don’t think we would be near as good as we’ve even gotten. I owe a lot to him.”

Staying Hooked:

While Thompson hopes to earn the Year-End title, his goals in ProRodeo extend far beyond that. 

“I think if a guy works hard enough, he can definitely do it for a living, so that’s a goal of mine.” Thompson said. “The Rookie of the Year is one of ’em. The NFR’s always a goal, but I know that kind of stuff doesn’t happen overnight, but that’s definitely a future goal. I don’t wanna be one and done. I would definitely love to come try it a couple more times and just see how it goes.”

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