The Dallyup practice device allows a team roper to realistically simulate the act of dallying without the risk associated with dallying on a live steer. The Dallyup allows you to concentrate solely on the act of dallying without any other distractions. It gives you the repetitive action needed to develop muscle memory so that when you do have a live steer on the end of your rope, you won`t have to think about the dally process, you will just react.
If you are having dally-related problems such as looking at your saddle horn when you dally or going to your horn too soon on a heel loop and losing feet, you will definitely benefit from using the Dallyup.
Currently, there are two levels available, one for the novice roper that will pull the rope away from you at the rate of a slow to medium running steer, and one for a higher-level roper that will pull the rope away from you at a faster rate. Both of these models are safe, you can get your thumb or finger in the dally and suffer nothing more than a mild pinch.
To use the Dallyup, anchor it to your arena fence, yard fence or receiver hitch on the back of your truck. There is also an attachment available to attach the Dallyup to the wall inside your home or garage for use in bad weather. Attach an extra soft head rope (used ropes work fine) to the spool, plug into a standard 110 volt outlet and the Dallyup is ready.
Next, mount your horse or sit in a saddle on a saddle rack. While facing the Dallyup, coil your rope and hold the coils in your left hand while raising your right hand, just like you would if you were getting your slack on a heel loop. Raising the rope with your right hand activates the Dallyup and the rope will start running through your hand. You can dally at any time prior to running out of rope.
To deactivate the Dallyup, give it a slack rope. You can stop the “Dallyup” at any time just by dropping your rope. Repeat the process as many times as desired.
To find out more, visit www.dallyupmfg.com or call (830) 767-2188.