SBS Equine Products has introduced Sav-A-Hoof Med-i-sole. Med-i-sole is an effective treatment for infections of the sole and frog (including white line disease, thrush, and seedy toe). The special gel formula sticks to the sole, shoes, and pads and increases the beneficial contact time. Med-i-sole lasts longer than a liquid topical with less waste.
Also, wool, leather, or synthetic pads can be pre-treated with Med-i-sole as a convenience. Horse owners can make their own medicated hoof packing by saturating recycled urethane foam with Med-i-sole. It can be placed in a boot, or between a temporary pad and sole.
Other Sav-A-Hoof products include Gel, Liquid, Soak, and Spray.
For more information, go towww.sbsequine.comor call (239) 354-3361.