Royal Crown Rope Horse Futurity
Int Heel Avg Cord Forzano SmartlooknCat 2
smart cat
Cord Forzano and Smartlookncat Take Home Royal Crown Intermediate Heeling Title
Limited Head Avg JR Marshall Steviewsprideandpearl 2
hits deep
JR Marshall and Steviesprideandpearl Clinch Royal Crown Limited Heading
Int Heading Avg Taylor Thompson Sheza Irish Treasure
treasure, that is what you are
Taylor Thompson Claims Royal Crown Intermediate Heading on Sheza Irish Treasure
WSG - link preview with lines and logo-18
royal listening
The Short Score: Royal Crown Recap
Limited Heel R2 Logan Vander Hamm Fine Spiced Vintage
extra fine
Logan Vander Hamm Wins Royal Crown Limited Heeling on Fine Spiced Vintage
6& Under Heel Avg Jeremy Buhler DT Hickorys Angus 3
set the pace
Jeremy Buhler Dominates Royal Crown 6 & Under Heeling with DT Hickorys Angus on Top
4& Under Avg Billie Jack Saebens One Time Pick 1
4 & Under sweep
Billie Jack Saebens Sweeps Royal Crown 4 & Under with Heading Win on One Time Pick
4& Under Heel R1 Billie Jack Saebans Emojii 3
smiley face emojii
Billie Jack Saebens Wins $25K in Royal Crown 4 & Under Heeling with Emojii Taking Top Honors
6& Under Avg 1st Miles Baker Relentless PYC
rich lady
Miles Baker and Relentless PYC Win $21K in Royal Crown 6 & Under Heading
Miles Baker Relentless Remuda
How the Relentless Remuda Won $83K in One Weekend: Baker and Buhler on The Score, PLUS Holcomb Performance Horse's Anseth