WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena
BG_25_Stallions_WSR HESA DUNOFA LENA_3K4A5224
2025 Breeder's Guide
WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena
Senior team roping horses
Oldies But Goodies
This Year's NFR Horsepower Field is LOADED with Super Seniors
WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena
Big Moves
Lazy E Adds NFR Stallion WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena to Lineup
Patrick Smith Rooster
Ring the Bell
BONUS EPISODE: Patrick Smith Explains Why He's Selling WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena in Select Online Sale March 17
Patrick Smith WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena Rooster
NFR Stallion WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena Moves to Highpoint Performance Horses for 2023 Breeding Season
Patrick Smith heeling on stallion WSR Hesa Dunofa Lena at the Lazy E Arena's Bob Feist Invitational (BFI)
Patrick Smith's Introduction to the Rope Horse Breeding Game