As most seasons come to a close in the fall there are finals for almost every association. The PRCA, NFR, USTRC, and WSTR Finals?to be specific, are opportunities to win big. I am often asked, “How do you prepare for year-end events?” My answer is, “Much like I prepare for events all year long.”
I enter with many of the same partners, ride the same horses, and compete with similar stock to what I roped all season. The best advice I can give someone headed to their 1st US Finals or WS Finals is to find a way to relate to the roping once you get there. Headers, look closely to the steers horns. Are they different? Did they bring special “Finals-cattle” that are different than what you roped to qualify? Heelers, do the same. Show up early enough to watch some runs. Notice how ropers at your level are roping and how the steers are handling. For me personally, I’m still rodeoing. My wife filled out and mailed my USTRC forms. I have another 2 weeks left for 2013 rodeo season, and then I kick off the 2014 season on October 5th in Kissimee, Florida.??On the road I’m not able to do the things I do at home, but I’m continually roping the dummy and saw horse. I’m setting up scenarios in my mind when roping the heading dummy . I’m trying to eat better and exercise so my stamina will be high enough for long focused practice sessions when I get home.
Rope Better, Live Better,
Buddy Hawkins