Tope 5 Takeaways
In the heading, Walker Guy, Aiden Perrett and Parker Guy maintain their first-through-third positions, but each Guy brother added points to their Resistol Jr. Champion cache since last reporting. Walker now leads with 143 points—up from 128— and Parker is coming up hot in the No. 3 spot with 104—just 5 points shy of Perrett’s No. 2 position.
The turnover of the No. 4 spot occurred when Houston Childers (who leads the heelers) added 18 heading points for a total of 58. The points gave him a 2-point edge over Cole Lansford, who now occupies the No. 5 heading spot in the standings.
The top three heelers also maintain their positions this month with no additional points earned. Last month’s newcomer—No. 4 Trevor Miller—now shares the 56-point spot with Kelby Frizzell, who’s up 10 points since last reporting to reclaim his place among the Top 5 heelers. The tie effectively bumps Walker Guy (who leads the headers and ousted Frizzell last month) out of the Top 5 and into the No. 6 position ahead of the race’s conclusion.
The Winners
Walker Guy celebrated his Sweet 16 in February with a 15-point gain in the race for the USTRC Resistol Jr. Champion. The 6 header from Waynesville, North Carolina, continued his ownership of the No. 1 position by taking fifth place and 6 points in the #11.5 USTRC at JX2 Production’s Muddy River Super Qualifier in Memphis, Tennessee, on Feb. 11. Later that month, he then added another 9 points to his earnings when he placed second in the #13.5 USTRC at the North Florida Championship. He is now in the lead by 34 points.
Parker Guy, 13, saw success at the same ropings as his brother in February, including a #12.5 USTRC win and a fourth-place finish in the #10.5 USTRC for a 17-point gain at Muddy River. Added to the 8 points he then won at the North Florida Championship’s #12.5 when he finished third, Guy—a 5 roper—is now on the heels of No. 2 Aiden Perrett by just 5 points with a total of 104 points.
Houston Childers, 14, is back amongst the Top 5 headers after pulling in 18 points at Muddy River. The 6/6 switchender from Fairmount, Georgia, took first and third in the #13.5, for 58 points total.
Kelby Frizzell of Sterling, Texas, reclaimed his Top 5 USTRC Resistol Jr. Champion standing when he roped in the #14.5 USTRC at January’s Sweetwater, Texas, roping produced by Mathews Land & Cattle. There, the 16-year-old, 8 heeler won first for 10 points, for a total of 56, worth an almost-end-of-season tie for fourth.
Current USTRC or Key Card/Key Card Max membership is required to participate in the Resistol Junior Champion Program. Earned points begin counting at time of membership purchase thru the NFTR’s last shootout event. The season begins the Monday after the last USTRC Cinch NFTR event and ends the last day of the next USTRC Cinch NFTR event.
Ropers must enter at least one Shootout division in the USTRC NFTR to be eligible. The award will be announced at the end of the USTRC Cinch National Finals of Team Roping event.
The points breakdowns are as follows: Starting with At Home Challenge Events, ropers will earn 10 points if they win the Challenge. No other points will be awarded. At Signature Events, points will be awarded to those winning an aggregate check. It starts at First Place with 10 points, Second = 9 points, and so on as far down as the ropings are paid. During the Cinch NFTR, the placing points are simply doubled. First Place will be 20, second = 18, and so on.