Mississippi’s Marcus Theriot and California’s Taylor Santos delivered a one-two punch in both Round 3 and the overall Cinch Timed Event Championship average this afternoon at the Lazy E Arena. TEC rookie Santos turned in the fastest TEC round of 2020 with 56.6 seconds on five head, and Theriot was second in Round 3 with 58.3 seconds.
“It’s cool to come to an event where so many guys we’ve looked up to since we were little kids have competed, and even cooler to get to compete alongside a couple of them—Kyle Lockett and K.C. Jones—who are still here,” said Santos, who just roped at his first Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in December. “The best part of this whole event for me is being here with my big brother (Lane Karney). We grew up entering all the timed events at the junior rodeos, and have headed and heeled for each other all our lives. We’re both heeling on Lane’s horse Special here, and we’re having a blast.”
[Read: The Opportunity of a Lifetime: Santos Joins Brazile for Timed Event Tune-Up]
Theriot has the overall TEC average lead with 198.7 seconds on 15 head, with Santos second at 213.5.
“We just crossed the halfway point, so it’s a long ways from over,” Marcus said. “We just need to stick to what we’ve been doing. This is my favorite event all year, so this is so much fun.”

Theriot’s dad, Herbert, was a longtime TEC contender, and he’s here to cheer again this year.
“The Timed Event is the best of the best at the best event in the world,” said 1994 world champion tie-down roper Herbert. “As long as they keep inviting us, we won’t miss this.”
Cody Doescher, who suffered a knee injury in Round 2 of the steer wrestling event last night, sat out Round 3 on crutches this afternoon. But he’s decided to head and heel in tonight’s Round 4 at 7:30 p.m.. As he won’t be able to complete a full round, he’ll be gunning only for the $3,000 bonuses guys get for breaking TEC records. The existing Timed Event team roping records are 4.3 on both sides—set by Jade Corkill in the heeling in 2013 and Spencer Mitchell in the heading in 2014.
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