16-Year-Old Hogan Kelley Wins Big Aboard Wicked Smooth Guy, Earning $20,600 at Riata Junior #10.5
Hogan Kelly and Klayt Staudt split $19,600 in the Riata #10.5 Junior with a 32.91 on 4.
Hogan Kelley and Klayt Staudt | Andersen/CBarC photo

Colorado’s 16-year-old Hogan Kelley struck big on his 8-year-old A Smooth Guy gelding Wicked Smooth Guy to win first and fast-time in the Riata Buckle #10.5 Junior, banking $19,600.

The Golden, Colorado, native was 32.91 on four with his cousin, Klayt Staudt, who rode a proxy horse.

Kelley also rode Bethesalilbitcat on the heel side to win fast time in the short round his dad, Luke, on the head side aboard Wicked Smooth Guy.

In total the 16-year-old won $20,600 on two different horses.

“We have another A Smooth Guy at home, he is a palomino we got from Jesse Jolly,” Kelley said. “Both horses are great, we really like them.”

Kelley Family Ties

Roping is in the family for Kelley, who roped with his dad and cousin both in the #10.5.

“Not everyone gets to rope with their family every day,” Kelley said. “We (Kelley and Staudt) have always won good together, and today we just had good runs.”

Despite roping a leg in the first round, the young team made quick runs to bring them back in the No. 3 position.

“Our first one, we didn’t draw the best and he (Staudt) got a leg,” Kelley said. “We drew a great one on our second steer and we were 5.90. On the third one, I just went and caught him and Klayt made up time. On our short round steer, we wanted to put a lot of pressure on the next two teams, since we were third callback. We did just that. Klayt heeled the last one perfect and we were 6.63.”

This isn’t the first time Wicked Smooth Guy has seen the bright lights of the Riata Buckle.

Average Results

132.91447Hogan KelleyKlayt Staudt$19,600 $9,800 
H: Wicked Smooth Guy
S: A Smooth Guy
235.56440Hoyt DarnallWaylon Davis$13,700 $6,850 
H: Blazin Merada
S: Blazin Honor
335.66449Landon PullaraRudy Mendiola Jr$10,100 $5,050 
H: BethesadeltacatH: Smooth Gator
S: Bet Hesa CatS: A Smooth Guy
437.88429Clay ElkingtonEJay Duke$7,100 $3,550 
H: Spark BadgerH: Pay Whiskey Doc
S: Spark BadgerS: Irish Pay
541.49445Slade WitbeckEJay Duke$5,400 $2,700 
H: Spark BadgerH: Pay Whiskey Doc
S: Spark BadgerS: Irish Pay
644.144Jasper FritzJim Bob Fritz$3,500 $1,750 
H: Cat Man SanH: Bets On Derby
S: Cat Man DoS: Bet Hesa Cat
Fast Time SGO
#TimeTm HeaderHeelerAmountSplit
16.7515 Luke KelleyHogan Kelley$1,000$500
 H: Wicked Smooth GuyH: Bethesalilbitcat  
 S: A Smooth GuyS: Bet Hesa Cat  
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