The second edition of The Breakaway Roping Journal is set to drop August 1, building on the momentum of the inaugural Breakaway Roping Journal that launched in April 2021 to 47,000 Team Roping Journal subscribers.
In response to the growth of professional rodeo’s newest sport in breakaway roping, the creators of The Team Roping Journal jumped at the opportunity to deliver the most comprehensive breakaway roping coverage.
“In the first issue, we were able to highlight the finer points of breakaway roping like never before done in print,” Chelsea Shaffer, editor of TRJ and BRJ, said. “We were able to create hard-hitting content that the breakaway industry needs to grow. And our advertising partners were quick to jump on board to support that venture—something that shows the will of the entire Western community to watch this sport flourish.”
The Breakaway Roping Journal runs as special section within quarterly issues of The Team Roping Journal, featuring instructional content, alongside inspirational stories and gear reviews to provide breakaway ropers with content they’ve been craving in a print publication.
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