Kory Koontz’s Horses
Kory Koontz has ridden some of the greatest heel horses of all time. Iceman, Jackyl, Switchblade, LB, Abby and Remix were all members of KK’s Royal Heel Horse Remuda.
Kory, Jackyl and Switchblade out back of the Thomas & Mack Center at the 2004 NFR. Kendra Santos Photo
Kory, Jackyl and Switchblade out back of the Thomas & Mack Center at the 2004 NFR. Kendra Santos Photo

Kory Koontz has ridden some of the greatest heel horses of all time. Iceman, Jackyl, Switchblade, LB, Abby and Remix were all members of KK’s Royal Heel Horse Remuda. Did he always recognize and appreciate how legendary they were? Does he have one all-time favorite?

Kory Koontz: “Yes, I did always realize how special they were, even at the time,” said 22-time Wrangler National Finals Rodeo heeler Koontz, who’s 51 now. “I knew all along during each horse’s time with me that they were great. 

Kory Koontz and the iconic Iceman in 1997. KK looks 12 here, but was actually 26. Kendra Santos Photo
Kory Koontz and the iconic Iceman in 1997. KK looks 12 here, but was actually 26. Kendra Santos Photo

“Iceman is my all-time favorite horse, for sure. And looking back as I’ve gotten older and quit rodeoing, I’ve recognized that he was even greater than I realized at the time. I was not a good horseman back then, and was just out for myself. Iceman worked amazing anyway. He was just that good, and loved his job that much.”

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