Turtle Powell. Travis Graves. Matt Tyler. Kory Koontz. Speed Williams. Rich Skelton. Chad Masters. Jade Corkill. The LEGENDS of the 2000s (and today!) are all in one place, on their most iconic horses like Vegas, Superstar, Jackyl, Cody and Ice Cube: The Gripp.
Roping.com, in partnership with Rodeo Video, is releasing the 2006 to 2009 Spicer Gripp Memorial Roping—from the calf roping to the steer roping to the ProAm and open team roping—streaming now on any device.

“The Spicer Gripp is one of team roping’s most important annual events, and the setup showcases the very best ropers and horses in the industry,” TRJ Editor Chelsea Shaffer said. “There’s absolutely nowhere else to watch so many great horses—like Trevor’s Sic Em and Turtle’s Vegas—on this long of a score in a wide-open outdoor. If you want to see great horses work, these videos are truly the ultimate experience.”
The Spicer Gripp Memorial began in 1994 to honor beloved Hereford resident Spicer Gripp. Donations and proceeds from the annual event fund the Spicer Gripp Memorial Scholarship Fund at West Texas A&M University, which provides scholarships to agriculture sciences students and those involved with the WTAMU rodeo team.
Roping.com is giving you the chance to watch some of the most legendary horses, ropers and teams compete in one of roping’s most iconic events. The 2006-2009 Spicer Gripp Memorial calf roping, steer roping, team roping and pro-am footage is available now on Roping.com. The 2010-2017 Spicer Gripp Memorials will drop in September and October.
The Spicer Gripp joins a long list of iconic ropings on Roping.com, from the Mega Matches to the Mo’Betta Calf Ropings, as well as the modern-day Cinch Timed Event Championship, Lone Star Shootout, Open Showdown and Riata Buckle.