WCRA Announces Top Hand Bonus Winners And Upcoming Cash Bonus Events
The WCRA has announced recent winners of the WCRA Top Hand Bonus awards and stated the upcoming events where athletes can take home a cash bonus.
Top Hand Bonus

The WCRA has announced recent winners of the WCRA Top Hand Bonus awards and stated the upcoming events where athletes can take home a cash bonus. The WCRA Top Hand Award goes to the one contestant who is the highest points earner in any single discipline at select regional events.
Recently, athletes such as Kashton Ford (Bareback Riding), Rhett Robbins (Bareback Riding), and Walker Rezzonico (Saddle Bronc Riding) have taken their $150 nomination and turned it into a $500 WCRA Top Hand Bonus.
Each athlete who nominates their ride or runs at the select events with WCRA has the opportunity to win the Top Hand Cash Bonus, ranging from $500-2500. Each Top Hand Bonus payout is based on WCRA Division level along with nomination participation. By nominating and participating in the Top Hand Bonus, athletes can also earn points to qualify for the $360,000 Cowtown Christmas Championship and the $250,000 Reliance Ranches VRQ Points Champions Bonus.
The WCRA Top Hand Award goes to the one contestant who is the highest points earner in any single discipline at one of the below events in the coming months. Athletes must have nominated with WCRA to be eligible for the bonus:

Mid-States Rodeo AssociationSeptember 16-18Kashton Ford
Kansas Pro Rodeo AssociationSeptember 23-25Rhett Robbins
Colorado Pro Rodeo AssociationSeptember 30 – October 2Walker Rezzonico
Arkansas Rodeo AssociationOctober 6-8TBD
Indian National Finals RodeoOctober 18-22TBD
Cowboys Regional Rodeo AssociationOctober 28-30TBD
New Mexico Rodeo AssociationNovember 5-6TBD
International Finals RodeoJanuary 12-15TBD
American Cowboys Rodeo AssociationJanuary 21-23TBD

Nominations are open now for the WCRA Cowtown Christmas Championship Rodeo. The event will be the fourth 2022 WCRA Major Rodeo and the final stop of the 2022 Triple Crown of Rodeo. The event will pay out over $360,000 and will be held at the historic Cowtown Coliseum in Fort Worth, Texas on December 14-17, 2022. The event has no entry fees.
All rodeo athletes interested in learning more about the VRQ should be directed to wcrarodeo.com or go to the App store or Google Play Store and download the WRCA app on their mobile device. Since launching in May of 2018, the WCRA and its partners have awarded more than $12,600,000 in new money to rodeo athletes.

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