2021 Rope Horse Market Outlook: Season 4, Episode 1
Trevor Brazile, Steve Friskup, Jann Parker and Mark Smith break down the trends in the rope horse market in 2020, and what they see continuing through 2021. This is part one of a three-part series.

If one good thing came out of 2020, it’s the price of a good rope horse continues to climb—allowing more people to train horses for a living and support the sport of team roping as a whole.

So to kick off Season 4 of The Score”, we want to talk about the trends driving the industry forward with wide slice of influencers. In this first part of our series, 26-time World Champion Trevor Brazile gives us his take on the forces at work in the market and where the market needs to go to remain sustainable.

[Related: Lessons Hard Learned with Trevor Brazile]

[Related: Providence and Provenance with Steve Friskup]

But this is a special episode with four featured guests, so from Brazile we move to Steve Friskup, who heads up Premier Horse Sales and is the horse industry’s master auctioneer. And from Friskup, we move to Jann Parker at Billings Livestock, who has 23 years in the horse sale business (and many before that buying and selling herself) and serves a diverse clientele. We’ll round out the show with Mark Smith, father of Clay, Jake and Britt Smith, who buys and sells dozens and dozens of rope horses every year. He’s based in Broken Bow, Oklahoma, and he’s got his finger on the pulse of the day-to-day recreational roper.

[Join the Fun: Get Your Last-Minute Ad in the 2021 Breeder’s Guide]

This more informal, but highly informational episode is what we hope to carry on throughout this season, as we celebrate 750,000 downloads of this show.

This inaugural episode is brought to you by our long-time partners at the Cinch Timed Event Championships, this year running from Thursday March 11 to Saturday March 13. The event pays out a $100,000 check to the handiest cowboy across five events, over five rounds. You’ll get to see guys like Russell Cardoza, Paul David and Jess Tierney, Erich Rogers, Clay Smith, Taylor Santos and Daniel Green duke it out in the heading, heeling, tie-down roping, steer wrestling and steer roping, and you’ll watch it all in the world famous Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma. And this year, the Timed Event is partnering with BFI Week to host the ultimate roper’s showdown. Less than 12 hours after crowning the Timed Event Champs, you’ll get to see the best ropers in the game go head-to-head over the BFI’s long score and strong cattle at the event’s new home in Guthrie. You won’t want to miss it. Get your tickets now at lazyetec.com, and we’ll see you in Guthrie. TRJ

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