Riding the Wave with Marty Yates
Marty Yates joins "The Score" co-host Kaitlin Gustave in Season 4, brought to you by Farnam.

Marty Yates, a seven-time Wrangler NFR calf roping qualifier, is riding the team roping wave. He started out as a fill in for young-gun Jaxson Tucker, and now he’s picking up a heel rope for the remainder of the season. 

Jaxson Tucker and Marty Yates are the team to keep an eye on as they head out for the remainder of the 2021 Pro Rodeo season. Kari deCastro

In this episode, you’ll get to hear about how Yates was raised, his love for team roping and calf roping, the horses he’s currently riding and the horses that have helped shaped his career. We even talk about his aunt, 18-time WPRA World Champion, JJ Hampton and what she has done for him. 

Click here to read the podcast transcript. 

Marty Yates is getting his Powerline Lite by Classic Ropes feeling right before heeling down for Jaxson Tucker. Kari deCastro
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