Royal Crown Rock Springs Champions: Tate Kirchenschlager, Rhen Richard, Britt Williams, Andy Holcomb, and JD Yates
In this episode of "The Score," Tate Kirchenschlager, Rhen Richard, Britt Williams, Andy Holcomb, and JD Yates talk about the best young horses in the game.
Tate Kirchenschlager
Tate Kirchenschlager and Meradas First Diver winning the 2022 Royal Crown 4-&-Under Heading Futurity in Rock Springs in August 2022. | TRJ File Photo

The Team Roping Journal spent the week at the Royal Crown Futurity in Rock Springs, Wyoming.

In this episode of “The Score,” Host and Editor of Team Roping Journal, Chelsea Shaffer, talks with the winners: Tate Kirchenschlager, Rhen Richard, Britt Williams, Andy Holcomb, and J.D. Yates.

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