Photo Finish: Chase Tryan’s 2018 NFR Round 8 Win
Tryan walks through his Round 8 win from the 2018 Wrangler NFR.


Winning run from Round 8 at the 2018 Wrangler NFR


3.6 seconds


Won the round, winning $26,230.77 a man, and fastest run of the NFR


I thought that steer was the best one we had all week. Cole Davison had roped a leg on him, I believe, and was 3.6 and maybe Snow (Cody) and Thorp (Wesley) were 4.1 on him. He had a pretty fast track record. He was pretty slow and stayed straight—maybe took a half step to me.


I’ve battled with putting my loop high on the right. I like that it’s on the ground all the way through the legs.


Bubba did a great job on that steer. He got out ahead of him. The steer took it really good. He didn’t hit him real hard, and it let me run around the end of it and rope. I was planning on doing that anyway that day because I did so bad the night before. I told myself I didn’t care if I missed this one or what happens. I was going to push to the end of it and throw my rope because that’s what I’ve been working on and I just got away from it the night before.


This is tough because, I swear, I see the whole picture. I try to look toward the top of the tail bone on the steer. Al Bach told me that a long time ago, so I look at the hips a lot higher because, the way they move, they can’t fool you like the legs can.

Right Hand 

I feel like I was going to my slack. My hand is rolling over to start right there. I feel like at that point it’s in a good spot. I maybe could have had my thumb turned up a little bit more—that’s been a bad habit of mine too. For the past two weeks I’ve been working on being patient with my delivery.


My horse, Friendly (11), felt like he did about as good as he could do on that steer. He’s really good to throw fast on. I really felt like he put me in a good shot to where I could take that shot. 

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