Roping Tips
McKnight, Tyler 12-30-21-TCF Waco R1-CP-830 copy
Roping Aggressive with Tyler McKnight
Your loop should basically be big enough to reach the steer’s horns and be tight from your saddle horn to the steer before you turn off. TRJ File Photo
Jake Barnes' Fundamentals of Loop Size
The Process of How We Learn with Clay O'Brien Cooper
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The End of a Run
Swing Angles: Adjusting Your First Swing with Charly Crawford
GarrettTonozzi_DustinDavis_TexasTitleFights2021_AndersenCBarC_TRJ_Print_Dec2021_1open ws Garrett tonozzi Dustin Davis - FFF_0241
Setting the Corner with Garrett Tonozzi
Cooper-Richard 1P1030
Developing A Feel for Switchenders with Rhen Richard
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Mental Preparation Before a Major Event
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Facing on Young Horses
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Making a New Partner Work