
Top 5 Stories From The Team Roping Journal in 2023
The five most-read team roping stories of 2023.
Paul Eaves Cadillac
Paul Eaves and Cadillac ride out of the arena at the 2012 NFR. | Hubbell Rodeo Photos

These are the five best team roping stories of 2023, as determined by the most views from The Team Roping Journal’s readers.

5. When Tyler Worley was for sure in for the 2023 NFR

The rodeo-count-fiasco at the end of the year was inevitably a hot topic. Team ropers proved they were invested in the final call of who would rope at the 2023 NFR.

4. The initial bomb-drop on the NFR heelers

Let’s face it: Team ropers LOVE drama. So when an initial decision was made regarding Coleby Payne and his rodeo count, team ropers wanted to be in the know.

3. When tragedy hit Las Vegas

Our hearts are still with Las Vegas and the families and communities affected by the tragedy that struck Las Vegas Dec. 6, 2023.

2. How about slack at the NFR?

The rodeo world was shocked at the announcement of the cancellation of the first round of the 2023 NFR, after an active shooter left three dead on the UNLV campus. As a result, we witnessed potentially the first-ever double-header in NFR history.

1. So long, Cadillac

When an iconic horse passes, the team roping world mourns. Paul Eaves bid farewell to Cadillac, the gray gelding that helped start his career, and the industry paid their respects.

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