
Replay at the NFR? Crossfire Call and More to be Available for Review at 2024 NFR
These six calls will be available for review at the 2024 NFR.
In 2023, Coleman Proctor and Logan Medlin were flagged for a crossfire in the fifth round of the NFR after breaking the arena record with a 3.1. | Jamie arviso photo

The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association announced Tuesday, Sept. 17, that the 2024 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo will feature a review system for six specific calls, four of which will impact the team roping.

The system will allow the review only of calls made by the Pro Officials in the arena. The following calls can be reviewed at the 2024 NFR:

  • Contestant competing before breaking the plane of the barrier
  • Crossfire
  • Livestock infraction (tie-down roping)
  • Spur out (Mark Out rule in the rough stock)
  • Barrier malfunction (all timed events)
  • No-nod (all events)

The crossfire, barrier malfunction, a no-nod situation and throwing before breaking the plane of the barrier all correspond to the team roping.

“I think it’s definitely a step in the right direction to add instant replay,” reigning and two-time World Champion Thorp said. “I think the fans, contestants and judges will benefit from it. I understand it’s harder to implement than one might realize because then you have to set certain rules of how it will be applied and who makes the final decision; I understand the complexity of instant replay, but I do find it necessary.”

While the specifications of how the review system will work have not been released, the addition of instant replay has been a hot topic of conversation in the rodeo world as more associations have made it possible. The PRCA has long said that adding instant replay would be too costly and complicated, in spite of contestants advocating for the change. It’s a change that the WCRA and PBR initiated in their events, as well as at the International Finals Rodeo.

“As access to technology has increased, it is vital that we adapt a fair opportunity for competition,” PRCA Director of Rodeo Administration Steve Knowles said in a press release. “The PRCA is committed to providing our committees the best resources to allow for the best competition, including embracing video review, when possible.”

So, what exactly are these calls?

The crossfire

The crossfire call is one of the most controversial rules in the world of team roping, often igniting social media debates. In the fifth round of the 2023 NFR, the world watched as Coleman Proctor and Logan Medlin broke the NFR arena record with a 3.1-second run inside the Thomas & Mack. But, in a matter of seconds, Proctor and Medlin were flagged for a crossfire and given the 30-second penalty. 

“The crossfire rule is such a hard call, especially when the flagger flags from the right side and gets stuck behind the horse on occasion,” Thorp said. “Because the steer is blocked from his vision and this seems to be where a majority of the incorrect calls come from. I think instant replay will give the judge more confidence in his decision knowing someone else has a better angle to either back him up or correct his mistake. It won’t make it perfect, but I’m optimistic enough to believe it will be beneficial to everyone.”

The rule, as stated in the PRCA rulebook:

R10.8.3 Throwing Heel Loop. “Crossfire” The heel rope cannot come in contact with the steers legs until BOTH

(A)The header has control of the steer’s head 
(B) And the steer’s hips have changed direction, with the steer having forward motion. 

A steer that stops, slows down, or drifts towards the header, must still fulfill rule A and B.

Contestant competing before breaking the plane of the barrier

The rule, as stated in the PRCA rulebook:

R10.3.2 Breaking Plane of Barrier. A contestant must be on his horse and his horse must break the plane of the barrier with his draw breaking the plane of the scoreline before he is allowed to compete. 

Barrier malfunction

The rule, as stated in the PRCA rulebook:

R10.3.5 Barrier Failure. If barrier fails to work but the flag operates correctly and time is recorded, contestant or team will receive that time. Barrier penalty will be waived unless barrier is obviously beaten by contestant.

The more you know

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