Two-Time CINCH Timed Event Championship winner Kyle Lockett prepares for another year at The Lazy E arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Having won the CTEC in 2005 and 2011, Lockett has a pretty good idea of what it takes to win and pace himself for the 25 head contest.
Kaitlin Gustave: You won the timed event in 2005 and 2011. What did those wins mean to you?
Kyle Lockett: They were the biggest wins of my career. It’s a tough competition over 25 head. It’s a pretty prestigious thing. There’s not a lot of guys out there that can do all five events and do them well.
KG: What are you most excited about for the TEC this year?
KL: Just to get to go do it again. It’s one of those things where it’s once a year and you get worked up for it and then you go and it’s over pretty quick. I wish they would have them three or four times a year. I’m just excited to go there and get started.
KG: How many years have you attended the TEC?
KL: A lot! I’m going to say that my first year was probably in 2000 to compete. I went a couple years just to help.
KG: What horses are you going to be riding?
KL: I’m taking a heel horse and calf horse of mine and I’m going to mounted on a head horse, a bulldogging horse and a tripping horse. I’m not exactly sure on all of those yet.
KG: Which event is your worst?
KL: I don’t know. I actually like them all. It would probably be the tripping because I don’t get to do it as much as I’d like to. I used to have a tripping horse and tripped quite a bit when I was rodeoing but now I don’t. The older I get the calf roping gets a little tougher. The calves there are usually big and they run. I’ve had my own calf horse for the past couple years, so I think that makes a big difference.
KG: Have you had any wrecks?
KL: I blew out my knee a couple years ago there in the bulldogging. The recovery took quite a while and it’s still not as good as it used to be.
KG: Who is going to be helping you?
KL: Aaron Tsinigine is going to be helping me this year.
KG: What advice can you give to the Jr. Ironman contestants?
KL: Just to stay positive. It’s a long event and a lot of things can happen. It’s never over until it’s over.