Formula 707 Gastro Essentials

Every hour, the parietal cells lining a horse’s stomach secrete more than six cups of concentrated acid-it’s part of the digestive processes of an animal meant to graze all day and all night. A constant supply of food passing through the stomach requires a constant supply of acid to help digest it.

When horses can’t graze at will-and many horses can’t-the acid production in their stomach doesn’t stop. Particularly for horses in high-stress training and performance situations, high-energy feed is quickly consumed and quickly digested, which means that, long after the stomach has emptied, the acid continues to flow.

In many horses, this results in painful ulcerations of the stomach lining. Poor appetite, diminished performance and poor condition may all be signs that a horse is feeling the effects of his unnatural lifestyle in his gut. Even though his heart is still in the competition, his gastrointestinal tract may not be.

Formula 707 Gastro Essentials has been specifically formulated with an effective combination of natural soothing herbs, essential amino acids and minerals to aid digestion and mitigate the effects of acid on the stomach lining. Just four ounces of Formula 707 Gastro Essentials mixed in with the feed twice a day will maintain a healthy gastric system and help keep horses in top condition.

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