The New Pro Dally Wrap is made of high-grade rubber and the makers claim that because it helps you get a better bite with your rope, you’ll be more consistent and confident in your dallying. By wrapping your saddle horn win this one piece of rubber, it’s installed in about two minutes.
Furthermore, John McCarthy, who developed the Pro Dally Wrap, says that his new product has almost no build-up on a rope, making ropes last longer. In fact, McCarthy claims that for the average roper, one Pro Dally Wrap will last for months.
“Everyone from pick-up men to trail riders, cattle ranchers and the top-level pros are using the new wrap and winning big and getting along with it great,” McCarthy said. “It is a great feeling when people ride up and down the pen thanking us for such a great product, and seeing them in the winner circle is pretty nice too.”
Allen and Joel Bach and David Key are endorsees for the product and stand by its qualities.
“It’s a big thing if you slide rope, it screws the run up big time,” Joel Bach said. “With the Pro Dally Wraps, you don’t have to worry about that.”
“If you dally a little high or a little low, it pushes your rope to the meat of the horn,” Allen said.
Not only does a rope not running make for faster times, it makes it safer. The instances of fingers being caught in a running rope decreases with the Pro Dally Wrap and the way the dally wrap is applied prevents a rope from ever getting under the rubber.
“At a recent USTRC event, over $20,000 was won by ropers using our new wraps,” McCarthy said. “And when you consider the 2,000-plus teams and that only 30-40 ropers had it on their horns, that says a lot about the quality and edge it gives. We have worked for years on this rubber compound and wrap design, and we believe this is the best wrap and the last wrap you will ever use.”
For more, visit www.ropesmart.com or call (210) 823-5386.