gives members exclusive access to full-length, professionally produced roping lessons from the best instructors and competitors in the world. All year, The Team Roping Journal crew has worked double-time to gather the best roping content ever available, and these are the five most popular lessons out now.

1. Patrick Smith’s Businessman’s Heeling and Horsemanship Tune Up
This 25-minute heeling video walks a 5 heeler with a day job through a full afternoon’s lesson. In it, Smith addresses fixing horse performance issues with better riding, and he fully explains how those horsemanship issues are affecting catch percentages.
2. Miles Baker’s Colt-Starting Series: Starting a Young Heel Horse Pen Roping
Miles Baker spends half his days riding young horses on his own, and he’s developed a feel and process for starting young heel horses pen roping. Baker walks through an entire session on a green horse, explaining what sort of stop he’s looking for as he ropes and how he wants his horse latching onto the cow.
3. Patrick Smith’s Heeling Horsemanship
Patrick Smith’s heeling horsemanship segment, pulled from his Legend DVD with Trevor Brazile, pulls apart all of the fundamentals and fine-tuning of the horsemanship elements that affect heeling. Shot with slow-motion and drone footage, this heeling horsemanship segment has been a game changer for years.

4. Jeremy Buhler’s New Heel Horse Practice Session
Jeremy Buhler has long relied on his great old horse Hoss for all of his rodeo runs. But in early 2022,’s cameras were there as he tried to adjust to a new, green heel horse to add into his jackpot string. He ropes behind partner Rhen Richard in this video as he talks through the adjustments he’s making with his roping and his horsemanship to make it work.

5. Dialing Down an Aggressive Green Horse with Brad Lund and Dakota Kirchenschlager
Brad Lund and Dakota Kirchenschlager both ride “over-achieving” young horses who need their intensity dialed back down, be it in the run or in the box. In this video, they talk through their approach to an entire practice session, complete with live runs and box work.
Ryan Motes: Spend two days in the practice pen with Ryan Motes, who is one of the best at breaking down the fundamentals of heeling and horsemanship. Plus, get access to two new full clinics with Motes.
Dakota Kirchenschlager: We’ve got another whole day in the practice pen with the NFR heeler and ARHFA World Champ, covering a wide range of topics in long-form videos.
Nick Sartain: Sartain might have won the world in the heading, BUT he’s won more at the Ariat World Series of Team Roping Finale on the heel side than most anybody. He analyzes heeling from a World Series’ roper’s perspective.
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