The Score: Season 3, Episode 8 with Clay O’Brien Cooper
Clay O'Brien Cooper joins Chelsea Shaffer for season 3, episode 8 of "The Score", brought to you by Manna Pro.

We’ve waited to do an interview on “The Score” with Clay O’Brien Cooper—the Champ—for years now. The seven-time world champion has almost $4 million in ProRodeo’s earnings, but it’s been his steady demeanor, paired with his monthly presence in The Team Roping Journal and our predecessor, Spin To Win, that’s made him one of the most beloved names in all of team roping. He’s as even keeled as it gets, and in times like these, when so little about life looks the same, Champ does. And for that, I’m ever grateful. Please enjoy today’s visit with Clay O’Brien Cooper, as a reminder of all that’s right and good with the world, brought to you by Manna Pro

Transcribed by Kelly Lynch, University of Wyoming

[Introduction] This is Season 3 of “The Score”, the Team Roping Journal’s regular podcast where the team roping world talks. We’ve told the stories of some of the greatest cowboys, horses and moments in the sport and we’re so far from done. In 2020, we’ll bring you more of what you’ve come to except like interviews with the best cowboys and cowgirls we know, and we’ll dive even deeper into subject you care about. Look for more audio editions of The Team Roping Journal stories you might have missed in print and learn about the great horses shaping the sport and the great challenges facing our industry. All this and more in 2020, I’m Chelsea Shaffer.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Hey everybody, welcome to “The Score”. I’ve waited for a while to do an interview on this podcast with Clay O’Brien Cooper. The seven-time world champion has almost $4 million in ProRodeo earnings, but it’s been a steady demeanor pair with his monthly presence in The Team Roping Journal and our predecessor Spin to Win, that made him one of the most beloved names in all of team roping. Champ is as (inaudible) as it gets and in times like these, when so little about life looks the same, Champ still does and for that I’m ever grateful. Please enjoy today visit with Clay O’Brien Cooper as a reminder of all that’s right and good with the world.

[soft music]

[Commercial] Today’s episode is brought to you by Manna Pro. At Manna Pro they believe in nurturing life. Since 1985, Manna Pro has been committed to providing high quality, wholesome feeds, supplements and treats to your horses at every stage in their lives. Their passion is happy, healthy pets and they’re your trusted partners just for that.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Well good morning sir, what’re you up to this morning?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Oh, it’s a typical morning for me. Uh, have some coffee with my wife and listen to a Bible teaching message for about thirty minutes or so and then I go out and feed the horses and the cattle. And maybe rope the dummy a few times and hit a few whiffle balls, golf balls and then come back in and start doing, planning for whatever things I need to do today.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah. Now how many horses are you guys keeping around these days with a kind of a different rodeo schedule than the last thirty years or so?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] I just have four.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah and are they colts, are they green, what’re you working on with them right now?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] I’ve got a good horse that’s real pretty solid that I got from Jake Barnes here about a month ago when I went to Arizona. So, I sold a horse down there and I bought a horse. So that one was one that I can take and compete on. And then I have a 6-year-old that I’ve been riding for a couple years that’s just about ready to go to some jackpots. And then I have a three-year-old mare that I bought the other day that I’m just starting on. And I’ve got the old horse LB that’s retired.

[Chelsea Shaffer] What’s LB’s life look like these days?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] LB is very big and fat. But my wife rides him two or three times a week, just walks him around and uh just cruises him around to keep him kind of exercised and so that’s about his routine.

4:29 [Chelsea Shaffer] Sure, so now speaking of horses, I was just looking back at old articles and I was hoping you could tell me about Ike and where Ike came from and how he came to be such a great one for you.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Well there is some real good friends that I’ve known for years and years. Even when our families knew each other when I was a little kid and their name is Ozzie and Judy Gillum and they use to live in Oakdale and raise horses and roped and when we would go to California in the springtime for rodeoing, Jake and I would stay at their place for the whole month of April basically and we would rope and rodeo and go back and forth. Ozzie sent Ike to me when he was a four year old and I rode him one winter and sent him back and then every year after that until I guess he was nine, when I would go to California in the spring I would rope on him, practice on him and he would ask me what he needs to do different and what he needs to do better and this and that so he would have the whole year to work on him and by the time he was nine years old in I believe it was ’92, I crippled my good horse at Tucson and I was afoot and I was searching and thinking about horses and I thought “Man I’ve been riding that horse of Ozzie’s out there every year and that horse felt really good the last time I rode him,” so I called up Ozzie and said “Hey would you sell Ike? I lost my good horse” and he said, “I’ve been waiting for you to call.” And so that’s where I got Ike.

[Chelsea Shaffer] That’s awesome and what was what set him apart from other horses that you’ve ridden in your career?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] You know that horse was, he could really, really run and then he was just a real natural stopper. So, for the rodeos, he was really good because he could really get from the back of the box to the end of the corner there without any problem and then when he got there he would just start sliding and stopping and just had a real good, smooth stop and he just fit my timing the way when he stopped, he just knew right when I was bringing it and the way he fit into my throw with how he stopped just kind of fit real good. And then what end up happening, he was just so tough and durable that he lasted from ’92 until I think I rode him at the 2003 Finals so 11 years, that’s a long time for a horse to be on the road.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Heck yeah and so I’m sure it was probably a combination of his breeding and then Ozzie spending all that time with him up until that point too, those are probably two great credits to the horse, would that be fair to say?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah. Did you have any other Driftwood horses after Ike?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah, I traded horses back and forth with Ozzie for years I mean up until recently. So, for years and years I’ve had some of those, that line of horses off and on and uh so yeah.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Have they become your favorite, or do you have a favorite bloodline to ride at this point? Or has it all just been individual horses that have ended up great?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah, I never ran onto one with that caliber out of that line. I mean I’ve had some pretty good ones but you know not just the really great ones so. And to be fair, most of the ones that I would get would be young horses that I would go season and then end up basically selling them before I really got to rodeoing on them because a good one would come along, and I would buy them and then I’d put him in the lineup. Through those years I went through lots of horses. I mean we had lots of horses because we roped a lot and you need a lot to ride so you don’t just burn em out so a lot of horses came and went through the years.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Do you like the buying and selling of horses? You know I think you either like trading horses or you don’t but I’m not saying you’re a horse trader by any means, but do you like that activity and that process?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah, I kind of do. I mean it’s just kind of part of the process and part of what you do as a full-time rodeo guy, roper that ropes for a living as you’re just constantly looking for good horses and trying to buy em and then on the other end of it you know you sell them and you buy them and you sell them and you buy them and it’s just kind of is a revolving door really.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Have you ever sold one that you regret selling that ended up like man if you had had that you would’ve won one more world title or that anyone that just became great after you owned it?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah, I’ve sold several that I wish I wouldn’t have sold that were really good horses. I sold them because they were kind of getting some age on them and then after I sold them, the guys I sold them to rode them for four or five, six, seven years and I was like my goodness I should’ve kept that horse you know. So, there’s been three or four or five like that that I in hindsight I wish I would’ve kept but I got a good price for what I thought and for the age and you know you just those are just decisions that you make.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah turned out to be a smoking deal in the long run for whoever bought the horse huh?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah exactly.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Now one of my favorite topics on this podcast is I always ask ropers to take me back to their arena as a kid. To their practice pen with their parents as a kid and you and I have done stories over the years where we’ve referenced it but I feel like I would love to hear you describe to me your arena as a kid and who was there, what did the practices look like? I think like it would be such a cool book to talk about. You should write a book about growing up where you did and how you did so could you tell me a little bit about what your arena was like when you were learning to rope there in California?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Well we lived in Sylmar, California which is the suburb of L.A., the San Fernando Valley and my dad or our family, ran a jackpot roping on the weekends and so our arena was a commercial roping arena basically.

[Chelsea Shaffer] And it was dally team roping back then?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah dally team roping and my brother, Sam, he’s six years older than me, he roped. He would rope both ends and I started out heading so I headed, and he heeled, and my dad headed, and my mom heeled and then we had you know friends of the family that were always coming to the ropings and always hanging around and they would come rope. So, it was just kind of a lot of different characters of people and the family and then the kids that came and helped and worked. It was just kind of a, my dad was a real character so he just an old school cowboy guy but a real communicator I mean he was unique. So, he had a cast of characters around him that were just as wild and unique as him.

[Chelsea Shaffer] And what did your dad do for a living?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] My dad did everything. He worked in the motion picture business as a wrangler. On the weekdays before that he shod horses for a living, he ran the roping, he traded horses, he traded cattle. I mean we had a milk cow, we had chickens, we had butcher goats, we had always had a butcher steer, I mean we were kind of like we lived off the land on a little farm.

[Chelsea Shaffer] In the middle of Los Angles.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yep, exactly.

[Chelsea Shaffer] That’s awesome. Now your dad’s foray into the motion picture business, that left him with some very interesting friends right that would come over to rope? There were some celebrities that would swing by from time to time?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah, a lot of people in the motion picture business came to our ropings. A lot of the stunt people and actors and people that worked in the motion picture business. That was probably half of our clientele of ropers that came on the weekends.

[Chelsea Shaffer] That would be so cool. I think at one point you had maybe told me there were like old video tapes of those days in the arena. Are there like old pictures from those times that you look back on every once in awhile? I bet that would be so neat to see.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Very cool. And so of course on that subject, I know that every time back when Kendra (Santos) and I were both working for American Cowboy Magazine and we would do all those John Wayne special issues, we would have to call you and you would have to give us a quote about working in The Cowboys. How, but I think on the podcast we would be remise if we didn’t mention it because folks absolutely admire you for that experience. Could you tell me like how you’d get involved with that and how did that transpire? And what was the experience like?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Well, one day we’re trying to set up the producers and we’re try to set up how they were going to do The Cowboys. They had 11 actor-kid roles and they decided that they wanted to blend the kids as half of them being Hollywood actor kids and then half of them being real cowboy kids. And then also used the cowboy kids for stunt double parts and stand in parts as well. So, when that word got out then the producers asked my dad if he could gather together from that region, as many cowboy kids from the junior rodeos and the jackpot ropings and stuff as he could, and the producers could come out and look at them and watch them ride and rope and do their thing and pick the ones they thought would possibly be good for the parts that they were trying to fill so that’s what they did. And so, there was a number of us that got picked to go in and read for the parts and then some of us got chosen for the actor roles and some got chosen for the double stand in parts and that’s how they did that.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Was it something that like I know kids maybe can’t understand like the gravity of the situation but was it something that you were excited for, that you were nervous about? Or was it just something that you know you were so used to being around actors everyday anyway that it wasn’t a big deal. Tell me, how did you feel about it?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah, I was the littlest one, I mean I was 9 years old at the time, but I fully knew what was going on and the kind of the gravity of the situation so yeah, I was kind of excited and nervous and you know wondering if I would be picked. I had to go in and read like three separate times to try out for it. And so, you know each time you go in you’re given a script and you’re given ten, fifteen, twenty minutes to kind of learn the lines and then you have to go in cold turkey and sit across from a producer or a director and they read the other part and then you have to deliver the lines and act it out as if you were in the scene. And I had to do that a lot in five year after that but that was the first time, I encountered that trying out for a part and its not an easy thing to do, it’s a little unsettling but it is what it is. You just go in and try to learn the lines as fast as you can and then you try to deliver them as best you can and you either get it or you don’t.

[Chelsea Shaffer] At what point did you decide, tell me about the decision between rodeo and acting. When did that decision happen and was it an easy decision or was there any decision to make at all?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Not really because I worked from nine until I was fifteen and I was small for my age, I was the littlest one in my class and I was just kind of a little midget kid. But when I turned fifteen, I grew a foot and my voice changed and so I went from a little kid to this gangly pimple faced you know in-between gocky you know interim between child and manhood. And at that stage you’re not, your career is kind of done until you mature because you know having kids, working kids and kids’ part is for the studio production is not that great because kids have to have a welfare, you got to have a welfare worker teacher, you can only work so many hours a day and you have to have so much schooling a day. There’s all these parameters that they have to deal with that when there are parts of you know fifteen, sixteen, seventeen year old age parts in movies, then they get kids that are eighteen, nineteen, twenty years old that are out of school, that look like they’re that age. Then they don’t have to mess with the welfare worker and all the hoops they got to jump through. Though my deal was basically going to be done. I mean I could’ve hung around and worked as a stunt kid or something like that and then eventually maybe got some, competed for some parts and maybe stayed in it, but my heart was not there. I mean it was work for me just to make money and it was kind of for a kid it’s kind of a pain in the butt to have to work from nine years old to fifteen years old steady and I was wanting to rope, I was wanting to go do that. So that was fine for me then and my decision. So, at fifteen you know I’m thinking about that and at sixteen I know that I’m gone because I get my driver’s license, that’s freedom.

[Chelsea Shaffer] And that’s when you went to Arizona right? Or did you wait until you were eighteen to go to Arizona?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] No. Fun fact, I got my driver’s license on my birthday and drove to San Diego and bought my truck. I bought a little half shell camper thing that just had a bed in it and I bought me a two horse trailer. When school was out on, I think it was the end of May or something, I heading I took off towards Arizona. I had some buddies over there and they were having ropings and jackpots and I went and stayed with my real dad, who we’ve been talking about is my stepdad.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Gene O’Brien was your stepdad right?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Right, so I went to stay with my real dad and my stepmom in northern Arizona and jackpot and amateur rodeo all summer. So yeah, I was gone.

[Commercial break music]

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[Chelsea Shaffer] Were you cocky when you were 16 and 17 and off on your own? Were you real confident and real proud back then?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] You know, I don’t know. I guess that’s a matter of perspective. I’m sure yeah but you know that’s a subject that I kind of learned, that’s a principle for me that I kind of learned early and that’s kind of during the time like what you’re talking about when you’re getting your freedom and you’re going out and about I did some things. But you get your head handed to you, that’s what I found out. When you get cocky and you’re pretty full of yourself then somewhere along the line you get it handed to you in one way or another which is a good thing. You learn to kind of tone it down a little bit.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Sure. That was back when like Leo and Jerold right? Who put you in your place?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] You know more than anything, my own conscious did.

[Chelsea Shaffer] I see.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] I don’t know there was just kind of my own conscious would tell me you know that you don’t need to talk like that, or you don’t need to say that, or you don’t need to act like that and so my own conscious kind of helped me kind of taught me. Which has been a progression through the years, you don’t ever stop learning.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Sure.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] I was still pretty wild until I was about 25 and then I think like everyone, when you get a family, you have your first child, you have your responsibility of putting a roof over your family’s head and the responsibilities of life start to accumulate, it makes you look at the world differently and you start to realize that your parents, things that they said and things that they tried to teach you, “Oh wow they were right!”

[Chelsea Shaffer] Right? Absolutely. Your rookie year was 1981, how old were you?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] 20.

[Chelsea Shaffer] 20. So, who did you…oh no your rookie year was 1979 and you were 20 and you made your first Finals in ’81. What was the learning curve between ’79 and ’81? What did you have to work on?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Actually I got my card in ’79 but I didn’t rodeo, I just had it for the end of the year. A guy asked me, Brian Burrows, asked me to go to some fall rodeos and so I filled my permit quick and then I got my card just to go to like Albuquerque and some fall rodeos in California, but I turned my card back and still amatured. So, I went for about two months just because he needed a partner for the end of that year and dumb me, I didn’t realize I screwed my rookie deal up. But I was just excited to get to go rope with a real good roper. Brian Burrows was like a cool cat.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Was that when he had that cool mare? He had that great horse, right?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah Myrtle.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Myrtle, yes, I remember.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] So I actually didn’t really get my card until ’81 with Bret Beach to go to rodeo with the intention of going all year and trying to make the Finals.

[Chelsea Shaffer] And you didn’t have a lot of responsibilities yet then, so it was like young rodeo cowboy fun in ’81 or was it serious in the rig with Bret Beach at the time?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] I thought it was serious because we had jackpotted and amateured for three or four years together just making a living. But then you know it was time for us to move up because we had pretty much dominated the California the jackpots everywhere, Arizona, California, New Mexico And we knew we were, or we thought we were ready for the big time, so we got our cards and joined up and away we went.

[Chelsea Shaffer] That first Finals in ’81, the PRCA, I’m just looking at their website and they don’t have like the full results of the Finals that year, did you have a good Finals at your first NFR or was it rough?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] No, I don’t think we had a very good Finals. I think we might’ve placed a couple times, but we were running over ourselves, and we were probably having too much of a good time as well.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah absolutely. Now I want to talk a little about partners because you had pretty much it seems like when I look back through your history you roped with all the greats over the years and I know we’ve done stories on what makes a great partnership but they’re all so different. Is there a partner that you had the most fun with? Can you say a partner that was the most fun?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] You know, all of them were fun.

[Chelsea Shaffer] I’m sure in different ways too yeah?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Well just the relationships you know and when you go into battle with somebody there’s a, you kind of form a unique bond in one way or another. So, each one of those partnerships were good and I had fun with you know traveling and roping and preparing and practicing and winning with every one of them.

[Chelsea Shaffer] I love all the back when you were traveling with Chad and Kaleb and Jade, that partnership with all of you guys seems like such a riot to me and just all the different dynamics that would’ve been in the rig at the time. You’ve roped with a lot of young guys over the last decade I guess, do you like that role as like the sensei in the rig or the mentor? Or do you just kind of stay quiet and let them be young kids and not give much advice?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] No I just tried to be me, I mean I don’t really offer advice until you know you start kind of breaking it down and the other person opens up and then you feel like you’re able to say something or kind of give your perspective. I mean it’s just kind of a judgement. So, I don’t try to kind of throw my weight around because I’ve been around really, I mean because I don’t want to be perceived that way. Actually, my opinion you know, what do I know? My opinions just my opinion you know. I do things because it works for me but not everybody has to do it that way. I mean there’s lots of different ways and I like learning too, so I don’t like to cut off the avenue of the opportunity to get feedback. Because what I’ve found what was interesting to me was once you get on the other side of that is that the young guys have, and I learned that with Speed, I think that was the first time that I was kind of on the other side of the equation a little bit, where I was the senior partner and what I found is he had some great insight on all the intangibles of roping, and I realized man I could learn some things. So, I started to look at it that way, so it was fun for me. I just thought I was one of the guys you know with Jade and Kaleb and I know they looked at me as kind of the senior guy and I’d been around and we had conversation with that, what was it like back in the day and you know telling about the great ropers you know the Leo and Jerold and Denny Watkins and Rickey Green and you know all those guys leading up to time. Bobby Harris and Tee Woolman and so that’s fun you know, being able to tell them what it was like because rodeoing was way different when I did it. We went to 125 rodeos not 65. I mean it was like we chartered everywhere we went and airplanes and majority of the rodeos we went to were 500 added not 10,000 added. So, it was just a whole different way of doing it.

[Chelsea Shaffer] It was so different.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] But the competing hasn’t changed I mean. But we did with Chad and Kaleb and Jade we had kind of a unique year because they kicked butt all year long. I mean and then Chad and I got it going pretty good starting in the 4th of July and then we rolled up there behind them so we were number one and two teams just and we were pulling for each other and pushing for each other and I mean when we hooked up, it was like we got it rolling as a buddy team and it was fun.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah and man the way that that year finished up, that was something.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah that was pretty cool.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah that split title was something else for sure. You said about how things have changed, how do you attribute like rodeo and amateur team roping are so separate but so intertwined sometimes, how to you look at like the explosion of the recreation team roping market with USTRC and then with the world series. How has that affected your ability to make money in this sport?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] When the USTRC came in, it changed the equation and it really brought about the explosion of team roping. It was right at the time that Jake and I was getting kicked off and starting to dominate in our seven-year run there. And so it all kind of went hand and hand because team roping got so popular and then we were at the forefront of you know we were doing schools and were we traveling so hard and making our names and getting the notoriety of what we were accomplishing. It really helped us as far as our popularity. That kind of was the building blocks of making us icons so to speak which the team roping world had never really had to that level. Before us was the Camarillos and to me, I mean I was all into it but I mean I’m sure that there was just it wasn’t like a team roping population explosion back then. But when the USTRC came in and then the newspapers, the Spin to Win, which turns into The Journal, you know, all of that started evolving kind of right in that era which just kind of let it go crazy.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah it has been.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] So it’s been good, and it’s just been building ever since. So, then you had you know the Speed and Rich, dynasty and then you’ve had you know Jade and Clay and you know it’s just kind of kept going and then with the USTRC coming in, it just keeps like its expounding and getting larger and larger and more popular. But with that, the competition has gotten better as well and the information age with our cell phones and our videoing abilities and our studying and YouTube and everything online, the information and the access to watching good roping and learning how to do it has exploded as well so.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Yeah. Now do you have, what are your goals for the rest of your time in the sport of team roping? I know you guys have scaled back a little bit as much as your rodeo schedule. Do you think there will be another comeback in this new decade? Are you looking to maybe if the right horse, the right partner comes around?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] You know, I don’t really see myself going out there full time hard. Unless something on the inside of me just ignited again but it’s not there right now I mean I’m content doing thing the way I’m doing them. We’re doing lots of schools and that’s good money and I like doing them and teaching and then I like being home and working with my horses and I like practicing and just doing things at that pace, but I also want to compete a little bit here and there. And I’m always working on my roping, so I don’t know. Like you said just the right horse combination and I guess if I felt like I could go out there and really um have a chance to do you know win good then maybe that fire would ignite but until I get that feeling that I wouldn’t want to be out their full time. I mean I enjoy going and competing here and there but then I like coming back home and working on it and doing it that way.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Have there been any great disappointments of your career? Moments you know I think of maybe looking back that you just sure wish would’ve gone another way like that steer in Pendleton when your horse fell. Anything like that that was just a great disappointment over the last thirty years?

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Oh not really. I mean I think you know roping and competing is like life. I mean there’s going to be bumps in the road and there’s going to be challenges and things that you have to overcome, that’s just part of life that’s what make you…You know early on you know failure and adversity is what made me you know bear down and try to figure it out harder and try to press in towards the goal even harder so. You know the best what they say the best army is the one that’s fought some battles so that’s the lesson of life. So, I don’t regret really anything I mean I’ve had some disappointments but that’s part of it. You can’t win every time; you can’t be successful every single time. And if you did, if that was the way it was you wouldn’t appreciate it, it wouldn’t be any fun I mean the challenge is because it’s hard. So that’s part of the equation. So, I don’t have really any regrets. I mean there’s times I wish they wouldn’t have missed, and I wish they wouldn’t of maybe went in with the wrong mindset and the wrong game plan and this and that, but I mean at the time you’re going in with what you think is best and that’s a decision you make. Then the outcome might tell you something different and so then you’ve got to try to change it up and do better next time.

[Chelsea Shaffer] Absolutely sir. Well, I am so grateful for your time today Clay and I absolutely hope you guys are staying healthy, staying well, staying home and all that stuff right about now so.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Yeah, it’s all good. I appreciate getting to talk to you

[Chelsea Shaffer] Good talking to you Clay. Thank you.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Uhuh have a good day.

[Chelsea Shaffer] You too bye bye.

[Clay O’Brien Cooper] Bye!

[soft music]

[Closing] Thank you so much for listening to this episode of The Score. Thanks to Champ for making the time for us today and thanks again to our sponsors at Manna Pro. Manna Pros a recognized leader in the care and nurturing of pets with roots back to 1842 and long-established brands in companion pets, equine, backyard chicken and small animal categories. Manna Pros product is Cetyl M, and you can check that out at 

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