Tyler Pearson Gets Set to Prove He’s No One-Trick Pony
World Champion Steer Wrestler Tyler Pearson prepares for his first-ever Cinch Timed Event Championship, held March 10–12, 2022.

World Champion Steer Wrestler Tyler Pearson’s about to show the Western world what he’s made of in five events. He’s entered for the first time in the March 10-12 Cinch Timed Event Championship, where 20 of the world’s most talented all-around cowboys will vie for bragging rights and the $100,000 check that comes with that coveted title. It’s a short, two-and-a-half-hour drive from Pearson’s hometown of Atoka, Oklahoma to the TEC’s home at the world-famous Lazy E Arena in Guthrie. But doing battle at the ultimate Ironman of Rodeo will go a long way toward proving that Pearson’s much more than a bulldogger.

Full List of 2022 Cinch Timed Event Championships Contestants

Pearson visiting with his biggest fans Steelie and Stetson at a team roping jackpot.

“The Timed Event has always been on a pedestal for me to watch,” said Pearson, 36, who won his gold bulldogging buckle in 2017. “To be one of those guys competing in it—and to have a chance to have my name on one of those banners that hang over the Lazy E Arena—is a dream come true.

“It’s just fun getting back to all of the events. I’d never steer roped until January of this year, and I hadn’t roped a calf since college. I’ve always enjoyed team roping. I used to team rope some at the circuit rodeos, and I’ve always had some pretty decent heel horses around the house. Dippin Dots has kind of made me fall in love with it again.”

Dippin Dots—shown here with his main man Stetson—is a heading, heeling, breakaway and tie-down roping boss.

His hugely popular happy Appy, Dippin Dots, will lead the charge on Tyler’s Timed Event horse herd. He’ll heel on him; steer rope on Tuff Hardman’s horse; bulldog on the bay horse Tubby that Kyle Lockett, Erich Rogers and Russell Cardoza rode at the 2021 TEC (Pearson has since sold Tubby to Mason Couch); rope calves on a horse that belongs to Gary Wells; head on JJ Hatcher’s yellow horse; and heel on Dippin Dots, who’s also been helping Tyler’s son, Stetson, lead the breakaway roping race in the Oklahoma Youth Rodeo Association. Oh, and Luke Branquinho’s sending his black hazing horse, Archie.

Read: He’s Baaaaaack! Dippin Dots is in the House at 2021 NFR!

Steer wrestling is his main event, but Timed Event fans will be treated to watching Tyler and 19 other all-around hands in five events.

Tyler’s human helpers at the 2022 TEC will include Jessen James at both ends in the team roping. Pearson’s pretty sure that he and Lockett, who’ll also bulldog on Tubby, will haze for each other on Archie. Tyler had his hands full hazing for Lockett, Rogers, Cardoza, Jordan Ketscher, KJ Jones, Clayton Hass, Haven Meged and 2021 champ Marcus Theriot at the Lazy E last year.

Read: Theriot Dominates 2021 Cinch Timed Event Championship

Pearson’s no newcomer to a nylon rope, and sees a whole lot of team roping in his future.

“I’ll be the jackpot king when I quit bulldogging,” he smiled. “Stetson and I just won our first check roping together, so it’s on.”

Daddy’s girl Steelie and Dippin Dots.
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