Brenten Hall addresses exactly what he does when he feels his head horse leaning in the corner of the box:
Ride Up
I get my horse all the way to the point of the box, to where he’s squared with the box so he hits the back flush with the bar.
The main thing is not to pull on him too much and keep my feet in him. Keeping my feet in him should keep his belly up so he can’t squat with his butt. If he hits the back of the box and wants to lean, I ride up again. I generally ride up and back calmly until he’s not squatting.
MORE WITH BRENTEN HALL: Simple as Possible: Roping Tips with Brenten Hall
Hitting the Corner
When he hits the corner, I’ve got to have enough pressure on the bridle reins to get his nose, but I’ve got to be really careful to keep my feet in him to keep him up. He gets the release of running to the cow when he’s standing square to give me the best possible go.