In one of the most anticipated events of the year, Cody Ohl matched Shad Mayfield on Ohl’s home turf over 10 head in early June, and was on site to capture all the action. 

The match pitted the six-time World Champion Ohl against the 2020 World Champion Mayfield in Hico, Texas, marking the first time the two have matched. They came together in competition and raised more than $25,000 for Corey Carrington, who battles spinal stenosis and has been Mayfield’s driver for much of his career. donated 25% of the proceeds from memberships sold through the match to Carrington as well. 

Another charitable campaign supports through livesstreaming is Charly Crawford’s American Military Celebration school for military veterans and first responders. 

Want more tie-down action? is now home to Rodeo Video’s collection of Mo’Betta Calf Roping videos from the 1990s and early 2000s—meaning we’ve got the greats like Roy Cooper, Fred Whitfield, Maury Tate, a very young Trevor Brazile, Cody Ohl and more. There’s nothing like the Mo’Betta roping, complete with rattlesnake roundups and lots of great old-school fashion. 

Plus: Caleb Smidt and Justin Maass have hours of training videos for the calf roper in your life, and this summer trainer Logan Harkey joins the team, along with 2020 World Champion Shad Mayfield, too.