The Bits That Won the World: 2000 to Present
The complete list of team roping world champions, their horses and the bits they used to win world titles from 2000 to 2020.

2000 to 2004

Speed Williams

Horse: Viper

Bit: Sherry Cervi gag, Petska chain and Perfect Bit (depending on how the steers were going to start)

Rich Skelton

Horse: Roany

Bit: Klapper Correction


Clay Tryan

Horse: Thumper

Bit: Gordy Alderson chain port, medium shank

Patrick Smith

Horse: Jaws

Bit: Petska chain port


Matt Sherwood

Horse: Nicky

Bit: Perfect Bit, long shank

Allen Bach

Horse: Jackyl

Bit: Chain bit, medium shank


Chad Masters

Horse: Cody

Bit: Perfect Bit, snaffle mouthpiece with medium shank

Walt Woodard

Horse: Dudley

Bit: 8-inch shank with smooth, short square port mouthpiece


Matt Sherwood

Horse: Nicky

Bit: Long-shanked Petska chain

Randon Adams

Horse: Diesel

Bit: Sonny Silva Correction or Petska chain port


Nick Sartain

Horse: Buddy

Bit: Custom small shank Petska with smaller diameter chain

Kollin VonAhn

Horse: Frank

Bit: Long-shanked Petska chain port


Trevor Brazile

Horse: Sport

Bit: Klapper 122 (Correction with copper rings on the bars)

Patrick Smith

Horse: Amigo

Bit: Tommy Blessing chain port


Turtle Powell

Horse: Jim Dandy

Bit: Short-shanked chain Petska

Jhett Johnson

Horse: Tony

Bit: Petska ported chain


Chad Masters

Horse: Wort

Bit: USTRC NFTR Gist trophy dog-bone gag

Jade Corkill

Horse: Jackyl

Bit: Petska ported chain, medium shank


Clay Tryan

Horse: Dew

Bit: Gordy Alderson chain port

Jade Corkill

Horse: Switchblade

Bit: Hinge-ported Myler


Clay Tryan

Horse: Dew

Bit: Gordy Alderson chain port

Jade Corkill

Horse: Switchblade

Bit: Hinge-ported Myler

[WATCH: Clay Tryan and Jade Corkill Win Third World Titles]


Aaron Tsinigine

Horse: Smudge

Bit: Blessing chain port 

Kollin VonAhn

Horse: Hock

Bit: Long-shank Petska chain port

[READ MORE: Aaron Tsinigine and Kollin VonAhn Split 2015 World Title]


Levi Simpson

Horse: Frasier

Bit: Petska medium-shanked chain port

Jeremy Buhler

Horse: Rick James

Bit: Kerry Kelley Hinge Port

[READ MORE: 2016 World Champions: Levi Simpson and Jeremy Buhler]


Erich Rogers

Horse: Dolly

Bit: Dale Small gag (without a chin strap) 

Cory Petska

Horse: Chumley

Bit: Long-shanked, copper-wrapped Petska 

[READ MORE: 2017 World Champions Erich Rogers and Cory Petska]


Clay Smith

Horse: Marty

Bit: Tom Balding hinge port

Paul Eaves

Horse: Guapo

Bit: Daryl Davis hinge port 

[READ MORE:2018 PRCA World Champion Header and Heeler: Clay Smith and Paul Eaves]


Clay Smith

Horse: Marty

Bit: Tom Balding hinge port

Wesley Thorp

Horse: Lexus

Bit: Square hinge-ported Myler


Colby Lovell

Horse: Bartender

Bit: Myler Correction

Paul Eaves 

Horse: Docs Gunslinger Chic

Bit: Petska ported chain TRJ

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