The ReCover Therapeutic Blanket makes it easy to deliver cold or heat therapy to stifles, backs, shoulders and more. Special dual-purpose cold/heat packs and insulated pouches extend cooling and heating time and are placed anywhere treatment is needed.
Developed for performance horses, this drug-free solution is suitable and legal before, during and after any competition. The ReCover Blanket is also suitable for any horse with an acute or chronic injury.
Invented by Ali Nilforushan, a top international show jumper, the ReCover Blanket has been used at competitions worldwide, including the Olympics and World Cup.
The ReCover Blanket is available in the 2010 Dover Saddlery catalog at www.doversaddlery.com, at tack shops and at www.recoverblankets.com.
ReCover Blankets, LLC is a proud sponsor of the 2010 Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida.