After we sent our September issue off to the printers, we received word that Rodeo China, which we feature in September’s At the Barrier section, has been postponed until the Spring. The event was set to bring top PRCA and WPRA competitors to Beijing, China, to compete for $8 million in prize money. Here is the email sent to competitors last week, letting them know off the postponement:
“We write to you today to unfortunately let you know that Rodeo China will need to be rescheduled until the Spring of 2012.
As you may know, there have been a number of issues and set-backs with respect to the quarantine of the cattle needed for Rodeo China.? Both Chinese and Australian quarantine protocols have strict testing and timing requirements that simply cannot be met in time to host Rodeo China in early October as we originally planned.?? After speaking about these quarantine issues with senior staff at the Beijing National Stadium and many members of the Chinese government, the decision has been collectively made to reschedule Rodeo China until the Spring of 2012.? The new dates for Rodeo China that have been proposed are May 18, 2012 through May 25, 2012.? As of the date of this letter, however, these proposed new dates are still tentative and subject to final approval by Less is Forever More, Inc.
Please let us know at your earliest convenience whether you would be available to travel to China and participate in Rodeo China on the proposed new dates stated above.? We would appreciate your response by email to
Please know that no one is more disappointed with having to reschedule Rodeo China than we are, and we would greatly appreciate your continued support of our efforts to bring the great American sport of rodeo to the people of China.?? A press release is set to be released on August 4, 2011.? You can view the press release after it is distributed at If you have any questions, please contact us at 803-746-5200 or by email to the address listed above.
Richard Tucker
Less is Forever More, Inc.
Carrie R. Tucker
Less is Forever More, Inc.”