Roping Royalty: Royal Crown Champs Trevor Brazile, Cade Rice, Rhen Richard and Cole Davison
Trevor Brazile, Cade Rice, Rhen Richard and Cole Davison stood out from the pack at the Royal Crown Rope Horse Futurity in Waco, Texas, May 10, and The Score Podcast caught up with each man after his win.
Cole Davison Royal Crown Futurity Heeling
Cole Davison on Meradas First Diver winning the 4-&-Under Heeling at the Royal Crown in Waco, Texas, May 10.

Trevor Brazile, Cade Rice, Rhen Richard and Cole Davison stood out from the pack at the Royal Crown Rope Horse Futurity in Waco, Texas, May 10, and The Score Podcast caught up with each man after his win.

In today’s episode, Casey Allen, host of our sister podcast The Breakdown steps in to help with the interviews from the Royal Crown Rope Horse Futurity. This marks the second in our series from the Royal Crown this year.

Royal Crown

The Royal Crown stallion incentive launched in 2021 with futurities including calf roping open to the get of 200 Royal-Crown-enrolled stallions (at $6,250 each). Total scores include the time and marks from three judges on horses 8-and-under, 6-and-under, and 4, sired by Royal Crown stallions. Intermediate and Limited classes are offered. Entry fees are roughly $1,000 per side. There are three events in Arizona, Texas and Wyoming, with a $25,000-added incentive coming for Royal Crown colts purchased at the annual sale.

If you want to enter a Royal Crown horse in a Royal Crown Futurity, expect 80%-payback and the fees are $1,050 per side (breakaway and calf roping are $850). No memberships are required. That’s $50 off the top to the judges. Then $800 goes in the pot. Of that, $500 is paid back to ropers and $300 is split and paid back to stallion owners and breeders. All the added money goes into the pot. 

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