Pre-Finals Prep with Ryan Motes
No matter which show is your big one, Ryan Motes offers this advice.

Just Another Roping

Remember you’re there for a reason—you qualified to be there. Take it as serious as you can, but don’t make it any bigger of a deal than a normal roping—even though it is. We can stress ourselves out too much, but you have to take it steer by steer. You don’t want to beat yourself. If you catch four steers clean, you’ll win a lot of money.

[READ MORE: The Business of Team Roping with Ryan Motes] 

Replicate the Situation

Jamie Arviso Photo

When I’m getting ready for the NFR, I buy big Mexican cattle just like we’ll rope in Vegas. Getting ready for the World Series Finale, try to find nice even cattle that try, just like they’ve got in Vegas. I also make sure my boxes and arena match the dimensions as the Thomas & Mack. For ropers getting ready for the South Point, it’s a good idea to get the box measurements and get used to that length.

[LISTEN: The Score Season 1, Episode 6 with Ryan Motes]

Don’t Peak Too Soon

Don’t practice so much early on that your steers end up roped out. The first year I made the Finals, I bought bigger steers like we were going to rope in Vegas, but we practiced so much leading up to the Finals that I tired of practicing and felt like I’d practiced too soon. Before I left, my steers had been roped so much they were almost too easy. My advice is to hold a couple steers back and maybe don’t rope them until you’re ready to go out there so they’re fresh and ready. Then, make four clean runs like you’re in Vegas. Put yourself in a pressure situation in the practice pen. Play those scenarios out so you’re a little more prepared for when you have to back in there and run one for $200,000. 

[READ MORE: Finding Your Target with Ryan Motes]

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