“This 80 ml could save your horse’s life,” the makers of 911 Emergency Crisis Care Paste claim. This Canadian-manufactured product is a top seller in Canada and Europe.
With literally hundreds of uses, 911 has been used for gas colic, stress, heat exhaustion, dehydration, exposure to moldy hay/forage, diarrhea, digestive upsets, following parturition, surgery, illness or other environmental stressors, after an antibiotic course, de-worming, vaccinating or to “jump start” unthrifty animals.
911 helps maintain gastrointestinal balance by blocking the colonization of certain pathogens and stimulating secretion of protective immunoglobulins. It helps bind toxins in the GI tract against various mycotoxins that can cause abortions, diarrhea and other GI upset if left unchecked. It also helps decrease pathogens such as campylobacter, clostridium and various strains of salmonella while stimulating benevolent bacteria. 911 helps normalize the intestinal environment for optimal nutrient utilization and does not bind vitamins and minerals in comparison to traditional clays.
Unlike typical “probiotic” pastes, 911 provides a broad spectrum complex of beneficial direct fed microbial and yeast cultures in a unique bioenergetic base of fermentation products and specially engineered yeast extract rich in glucomannans (GM) and mannanoligosacharides (MOS).
This safe, natural biological product does not contain any medication or drugs, has no toxic residue and is unaffected by pH.
Deemed safe for any species with a digestive system by the manufacturer, 911 is a mainstay in show barns, on the trail, for endurance rides, during transport, at boarding stables or at home.
911 retails for $21.95 plus shipping/handling and can be ordered by calling (888) 875-2425 or visiting www.hs35.net.