Chad Masters and Joseph Harrison: 47
Cody Snow and Wesley Thorp got this one roped in 6-flat. Cody missed the barrier just a touch. Hill said he’s medium.
Erich Rogers and Kyle Lockett: 32
Clay Tryan and Jake Long stopped the clock in 4.6 second, and Hill said he’s medium.
Ty Blasingame and Travis Graves: 49
Jake Cooper and Caleb Anderson were 4.8 on this won to split fourth, fifth and sixth, and Hill said he’s medium.
Clay Tryan and Jake Long: 33
Coleman Proctor and Ryan Motes took a no-time on the head side, but Hill said he’s medium.
Coleman Proctor and Ryan Motes: 28
Chad Masters and Joseph Harrison were 14.40 on this one, but Hill said he’s medium.
Kaleb Driggers and Junior Nogueira: 38 Blasingame and Rogers were 5.0 on this one, and Hill said he’s medium.
Clay Smith and Jade Corkill: 39
Tate Kirchenschlager and Tyler Worley split fourth, fifth and sixth on this steer with a 4.8-second run. Hill said this is one of the two medium plus steers in the pen, but he’s still good.
Jake Cooper and Caleb Anderson: 5
Riley and Brady Minor won third with a 4.7 on this steer for third place in Round 2. He’s medium, according to Hill.
Tyler Wade and Cole Davison: 24
Kaleb Driggers and Junior Nogueira knocked this one down in 4.8 to split fourth, fifth and sixth. Hill said he’s medium.
Tate Kirchenschlager and Tyler Worley: 22
Tyler Wade and Cole Davison took a no-time, but Wade spun the wheels off him. Hill said he’s medium, but level headed.
Matt Sherwood and Hunter Koch: 26
Clay Smith and Jade Corkill won the go-round on him in 4.4. Hill said he’s medium.
Brenten Hall and Chase Tryan: 42
Matt Sherwood and Hunter Koch got a leg on this steer to be 10.7. He’s just medium Hill said.
Luke Brown and Paul Eaves: 50
Brenten Hall and Chase Tryan knocked this one down in 5.1, and Hill said he’s medium.
Cody Snow and Wesley Thorp: 34
Erich Rogers and Kyle Lockett and got a leg on this one to be 9.7. Hill said he’s medium.
Riley Minor and Brady Minor: 30
Luke Brown and Paul Eaves took a no-time on this steer, with Eaves missing on the back side. Luke headed him fast. Hill said he’s medium plus. TRJ