Top 5 Horsemanship Videos of 2023
For this Horse Market Special Issue of The Team Roping Journal, we pulled the most popular videos on horsemanship on so far this year.

For this Horse Market Special Issue of  The Team Roping Journal, we pulled the most popular videos on horsemanship on so far this year.  

1. Smoothing Out Your Heel Horse’s Stop with Dakota Kirchenschlager

Kirchenschlager is the reigning Riata Buckle heeling champ, and he’s made three NFRs on the heel side riding horses he made himself. Now, Kirchenschlager’s training program focuses on futurity horses, and he gets to work on fine-tuning the look and feel of his horses’ finish. In this video, Kirchenschlager works on collection through the run to keep his horse’s front end pedaling through the stop. 

2. Rodeo Head Horse Practice Session with Nick Sartain

Filmed just 12 hours after the last round of the 2022 Prairie Circuit Finals, Sartain’s Rodeo Head Horse Practice Session covers the struggles that many ropers face with their horses after making high intensity runs, and then trying to dial the energy back down. In this video, Sartain covers how he regains control in the box and throughout the run, as well as what the pacing of the practice session should look like for a horse of this caliber. 

3. Tuning an Aged, Ex-Cutting Stallion on Both Ends with Dakota Kirchenschlager

Kirchenschlager’s videos are popular with subscribers for his easy pace. He offers digestible horsemanship for both the horses and members, with a common-sense approach that will get the horse’s buy-in. In this video, Kirchenschlager is on a future switch-ender that’s new to the roping scene but with all the buttons of a cutter. Plus, he handles the stud’s different mentality and addresses riding and showing stallions. 

4. ARHFA World Champion Born In The Boondocs Practice Session with Tate Kirchenschlager

Coming off the Royal Crown Futurity in Rock Springs, Wyoming, ARHFA World Champion Born In The Boondocs was ready for some slowing down through the corner to give easy-to-heel handles. Kirchenschlager uses a mix of cattle to gain control on this young, super-talented head horse before the 2022 ARHFA World Championship Futurity. 

5. Heading Horsemanship & Facing with Trevor Brazile

Originally from Trevor Brazile’s and Patrick Smith’s LEGEND DVD, Brazile breaks down the fundamentals of how he wants a head horse to perform in the box and in the field in this classic horsemanship video that ropers watch again and again.

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