Bit Makers
If Spurs Could Talk: JB “Barry” Guillory's Drive to Carry on Tradition
Bit Junkie: Helton's Gordy Alderson Chain Port
LeviLord_HubbellRodeoPhotos_TRJ_Feb2021_Print_230 Levi Lord
Levi Lord's Seven Ported Shank by Kerry Kelley Bits and Spurs
Colby Lovell Bartender
The Bits That Won the World: 2000 to Present
1982NFR_Paul left, Monty joe
The Roper’s Bit Man: Paul Petska
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Bit Junkie: Kollin VonAhn's Scott Ironworks Bit
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The World’s Greatest: Preston Williams Hardware
Clayton Van Aken's Guide Piece
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The Right Hinge: Logan Medlin's Hinge-Port
Dog-bone: Lane Siggins' Preston Williams Hardware Bit